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Socoder -> In-Development -> Tiny Tank (working title) - porting

Sun, 30 Jul 2023, 23:39

Tiny Tank (working title) - porting

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I have a bunch of games I stil wish to work on. This game. A tank shooter project was made in Monkey 2. It was only around 3000 lines. Most of the code was procedural gfx I think.
There was a random map with a fortress base with turrets and tiny soldiers. The soldiers could take cover by moving to areas were the player could not shoot at. Behind obstacles. I had not really continued back than in building it into a deeper game.

(Monkey 2 version : )

I spend some hours yesterday drawing actual tiles for the game based on the old gfx. I am taking the old 'Fire Power' game from the Amiga as a reference for now.

(Here some screenshots of the old (freeware) game)

The old monkey 2 code is slowly being converted to Javascript. It wil be playable on mobile and pc. No idea how fast it wil go.
Sun, 30 Jul 2023, 23:59
Cool plan. Good luck with the conversion.
It should run fast enough. The hardest part will be getting the tilemap to draw fast enough, whilst also filling the screen... though it depends on a number of factors.
If you're scaling up a tiny set of tiles like you currently have, to fit the larger screen, that might be slower. GotoJSE certainly has that issue at times.
I've found it's usually better to start with larger tiles and scale them down, rather than the other way around. Essentially, the closer to 1x scaling you can get, the better.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 00:10
I think I will aim to have it run ok on modern devices. My iphone se 2020 and ipad 2020 would be the minimum specs. Probably the nvidia 1050 for pc. Things like smoke and fire with additive particle effects I will skip. This seems to have gotten worse over the years in browsers.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 00:11
Assuming you're using standard canvas, one thing you want to avoid is Scale AND Rotate AND Alpha, all at the same time. Shove those together and you'll have super-slowdown. Pick 2 at a time, and not all three.
This is why particles in GotoJSE will jump back to 0 rotation when they start to fade out!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 00:18
Noted. I need to rotate turret barrels and a tank. I might need to skip a zoom in and out mode then.

I am developing on a slower laptop. A amd 5500u without gfx card. This should maybe show slowdowns quicker.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 07:01
Looks good, Pakz. Has a play with the Monkey version. Runs very well on my Chromebook. I never tried Monkey.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 07:20
Monkey 2 stil works. I installed it on my new laptop a few months ago. Even the (old emscripten) build for web. I never figured out what it could fully do. The docs and information on the m2 language was lacking. Javascript has tons of resources.

I was especially happy with the ai in there. The little soldiers in the base would shoot, run and hide. But they could only be killed by running over them.

I spend a while this morning recreating some of the 'fire power' buildings. I think I need to really start to organise the tiles. I think there wil be hundreds of them.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 07:29
Part of why Jamagic was my all-time fave Windows programming language, was its syntax which was in line with Javascript. Considering buying SpiderBasic and trying something online, not sure if my host allows it, though.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 23:37

Got a couple of tanks done. Stil new at these and not sure how to handle shadow and rotation.
Mon, 31 Jul 2023, 23:38
Those are awesome!
Thu, 03 Aug 2023, 09:22

View on YouTube

I got a bit distracted and made a tutorial video on how to draw a tank like above in aseprite.
Thu, 03 Aug 2023, 09:24
Thu, 03 Aug 2023, 09:26
I was thinking on how to procedurally do this too and add variation. But this would take me even longer and be distracted even more. Not enough time
Thu, 03 Aug 2023, 09:37
One thing you could do is stickers.. make a duplicate of the tank, then add a layer, draw a nice sticker on the tank, then remove the tank, leaving the sticker as it's own sprite.
Draw a dozen or so of those, in random sizes and places on the tank, and when drawing them ingame, pick a random sticker and draw it atop the tank... bingo, variations!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 05 Aug 2023, 04:01

My tile map skills need some work for this project. I seem to not be able to make a good enough nature based mockup.
I took a old tile set mockup and tried to touch it up to get some ideas here.

No actual porting of the old m2 code done yet.
Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 03:46
It sure does look nice though! Reminds me of a uni project in my past

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 04:06
Looking good to me, too. The tank game was one of my fave on the 2600.
Tue, 08 Aug 2023, 14:32
Stil studying tiles from the game Z. I sketched down part of a interface to generate some ground tiles procedurally. Might not code this. But knowing the process better might make me remember how to apply this on new gfx.

Ios stil has no good go to pixel app. IPad is a lot better in this.
Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 10:17

Been a slow week. I did this tank this morning and 'finished' it a couple of hours ago. Not sure if this one wil work. Referenced from very blurry jpg's and the game Z by the bitmap brothers.
Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 11:15
Looks more like some kind of observation tower than a tank,
Fri, 11 Aug 2023, 11:41
I had that idea too. The readability is somewhat bad right now.