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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - July 2023

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Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 03:44
Baking bread
Freshly dried laundry
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 03:52
Rose, Pine and Lavender
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 04:22
... in which Kuron gets kicked off of the forum for not listing Bacon.

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Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 04:41
I am a member of the United Church of Bacon and have been since its inception.


For us, bacon is a religion. 🥓
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 11:27
As I do love baking bread, yeah that's deffo right up there, along with the sea by the beach and charlie pink deodorant spray, that stuff smells so damn nice on a lady type

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 14:02
Tonights Loaf freshly baked The toughest part is waiting the 20-30minutes to left it cool down as opposed to nyomming away at it despite the SCORCHING HEAT!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 14:03
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 14:07
Have been making lots of bready things lately, my lil container garden has done me well this year also, first time I thought, let's have a go and growing some veg, it's been nice to look after the plants, just got my first nice ripe red tomatoes and damn, fresh tomatoes, i need to grow so many tomato plants next year!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 14:15
Nothing better than fresh veggies, especially tomatoes. None here this year, wifey can barely walk and has fallen and hurt herself about six times so far in '23.

I love fresh baked bread, but do not make it due to wifey's diabetes. Through the mid-late 90s - early 00s, I made a loaf of fresh baked bread every day. Before I started making it myself, my local Safeway used to put out fresh baked sourdough bread at 4pm every day. I would walk down and buy a loaf and eat half of the loaf on the walk home.
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 15:29
Aye so far I've grown spring onions, rocket, a tomato plant with 30 tomatoes on it (29 now), some potatoes which should be good to harvest in early / mid august, spinach and a shed load of basil, have given some of them away to peeps there's so much of the stuff!

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 22:20
Only thing we are going to have this year is some raspberries, blackberries and some comfrey which wifey makes into an arthritis salve and a tea

Growing up, we often had an acre of land dedicated to the garden. Dad did smaller garden up until he died. Really beautiful looking and did it in a way he could sit and use the smaller hand tools to tend to it. Love fresh green beans, peas, tomatoes, onions, green peppers (although they give me bad heartburn nowadays), lima beans, black eyed peas, potatoes.

|update| -=-=- |update|
Damn that bread looks good, have literally had nothing to eat today, and only a couple of sips of water.
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 23:13
I'd send it over but it probably wouldn't makethe journey.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 01:16

Question of the Day : July 20th

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and how would you use it for good or evil?
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 01:42
The superpower of marketing and promotion.
I would use it for good, to let people understand that they don't need multi-billion-dollar mega games to enjoy themselves!

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Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 13:01
Easy. Only super power I want, is to wish people into the cornfield.

I would like to say only use it for good and banishing bad people, but we have all seen the twilight zone episode. One hell of an underappreciated super power though. Possibly the best. No having to fight bad guys, just wish them away.
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 13:54
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 13:55
I haven't seen the Twilight Zone episode.
The only Twilight Zone episode I've seen is the Kirk on a Plane one, and that's only because it was given away free on a DVD magazine's freebie DVD.

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Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 19:54
Not on YT (that I can see, but am sure FMoves has it). Info on the episode:

Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 00:53

Question of the Day : July 21st

Which musical instruments can you play?
Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 01:18
Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 01:52
I can play the piano roll, and the tracker-pattern.

I'm rubbish at actually playing instruments.

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Fri, 21 Jul 2023, 02:07
If whistling with the mouth is a instrument? I have been spending a lot of time practicing that. Actual non biological instruments I have no skills in. Maybe short sections with one hand on a keyboard.
Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 02:05

Question of the Day : July 22nd

If you had to design a new emoji, what would it look like and what would it mean?
Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 02:26
It would be a great big giant circle with a tiny tiny tiny face in the middle, and it would mean "Why can't I ever tell wtf these bloody emojis are supposed to be? It's all well and good being big on my screen when I choose them, but once I've tapped them, they turn into minuscule little buggers that are completely sodding well unreadable."

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Sat, 22 Jul 2023, 11:54

It means "Horrible Noise" and is unreadable, annoying and a bit euuhhuhhhhhhhh..what?

The pun being that it's just a noise function with some horrible face on it.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 02:31

Question of the Day : July 23rd

If you could create your own virtual reality world, what would it look like and what would you do in it?
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