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Socoder -> Misc Gaming -> Monkey Ball Mania

Mon, 27 Sep 2021, 09:48

Monkey Ball Mania

View on YouTube


One week to go.

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Tue, 28 Sep 2021, 01:33
Can't wait. I've tried most of the monkeyball games over the years, I think the 1 & 2 on the gamecube were probably the best, hopefull this won't disappoint.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Tue, 28 Sep 2021, 15:33
Ah they added a pool game... Hmmm I'm sure some one else was working on one too.. hmmm
Tue, 28 Sep 2021, 15:38
I no longer have to. Mum will be content playing Monkey Billiards!!

I never did get those pockets to feel right. In the end, I used the engine to make All Cued Up, where I just about got away without having any pockets!

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Thu, 30 Sep 2021, 04:11
lol there goes an hour of my life playing All cued up!
Thu, 30 Sep 2021, 05:15
Sorry! (*not sorry)
Thu, 30 Sep 2021, 15:58
The digital deluxe preorder unlocks Oct 1st..
I'm getting it in an hour!!!


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Thu, 30 Sep 2021, 17:59
Billiards is great!!!
Fri, 01 Oct 2021, 06:43
Main game : Playable up to this level whereby all the movement, and bumping of the balls, and spinning of the camera, made the have to stop. A motion sickness frenzy!!

Tennis : .. .. well, it's not Wii Sports, is it?
Bowling : ... ... well, it's not Wii Sports, is it?
Golf : Also isn't Wii Sports, but is at least still fun to play. I think mostly because it's a nice gentl golf game.
Target : \o/yeay\o/ though I appear to have lost the knack for this one, and am now utterly shit at it!
Billiards : Played a 2 hour session against Mum, this morning. Worth the price of entry, alone!!!

If you buy the deluxe edition, you can toggle the option to have all the old music on. This is preferable...
All Party Games are unlocked from the get go.

Though the voice artists have tried their best, it's obviously they've all gotten 20 years older
Sonic is deadly silent.
Can't use any characters other then the main 6, or any customisations, in the party games.

No other complaints, so far.

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Fri, 01 Oct 2021, 12:21
How are the controls? Can you use a proper controller instead of joycons? I really hated Wii games with motion control.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Fri, 01 Oct 2021, 12:30
Yeah, for all intents and purposes, it's the Gamecube originals.

It's HD, the voices are a bit odd, and the "bub bub bub" noise of the rolling ball isn't as energetic as the Cube originals, but .. you can play it entirely with the analogue stick, and the A button only used to navigate menus... job done!!
Though, I do miss that little octagon on the GameCube's stick, to keep things straight.

There "is" a jump button, for folk who prefer that kind of thing... but it's locked away. You need to earn 30,000 ingame credits to unlock it! (Which, I think probably means completing the game)

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Sun, 03 Oct 2021, 15:48
I actually like playing with motion controls if they are close to 1 on 1. Can Monkey ball mania use motion controls?

Trying to weigh up if we should get the Switch version or the PS4 version..
Sun, 03 Oct 2021, 16:37
Hmm.. ok.. gave it a go with one joycon held in portrait like a Wiimote, and though the motion seemed reasonably decent, it just didn't feel good in the hand. I think that the joycons are a bit too small to be played with like that. It feels less of a controller, and more .. I dunno how to describe it. It certainly didn't feel great in the hand.

I imagine a Pro controller might do better. .. they have accelerometers in them, don't they?
Either that, or go with the PS4 one.

I can't speak for the PS4 version's motion, since I only tested it just now using Remote Play and.. well, you can imagine how bad that was!! Not recommended.
I'll try it properly in the morning.

Interesting thing, though. On the Switch, the option is "Accelerometer : Off/On"
On the PS4, the option is "Motion Control Functionality : Off/On"

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Sun, 03 Oct 2021, 18:33
Thanks Jay! What about the minigames using the motion controls, for example can you swing the control like a golf club?

You have the game on both platforms?
Sun, 03 Oct 2021, 18:40
Mum and I both love Monkey Billiards.
I knew full well that the day Monkey Balls came out, I'd pretty much lose the Switch!
But I can't carry on coding weekly SmileBASIC games without a Switch!!

For a while, there, I was legitimately considering buying Mum a Switch, but then remembered there's a PS4 sat pretty much unused, other than me playing No Man's Sky.

So, yeah, it was cheaper to buy Mum a PS4 controller than it was to buy her a Switch!!
I still bought myself a Switch copy of the game, so I can play Billiards in bed (ooeer) but Mum now has a PS4 to play on.
With this, Puyo Puyo Tetris and Puzzle Bobble, she's pretty much made up.

.. and I've been unable to play No Man's Sky since!!

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Sun, 03 Oct 2021, 18:49
Party games don't appear to include Accelerometer functionality.

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Mon, 04 Oct 2021, 03:06
Thanks for testing!