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Socoder -> Killer Bites -> ZenPop Noodle Box

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Thu, 16 Aug 2018, 09:40
Oh dear. This box doesn't seem to be going down too well. At least they're not coming back up!
Tue, 21 Aug 2018, 05:18
Noodle Three

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

Smells very fishy. Must be the mackerel...?
Also, the sachet of "chili pepper infused oil” smelt of wine...!!
The noodles themselves seem to be identical to Pot Noodle noodles.

Taste wise.. not too bad, if I’m honest.
A nice salty taste, with quite a kick from that sauce.

Rating : 4/5 - the smell is rather offputting, but it tastes ok.

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Tue, 21 Aug 2018, 07:57
Ummmmmm... nope. Mackeral? o_O
Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 06:38
Noodle Four

Looks Like...

Tastes Like..

The smell is very much like that of a bag of the red Chilli Heatwave Doritos.
Flavour wise, it's quite like a standard Pot Noodle Beef&Tomato, but with a really nice spicy kick to it.
Also, the noodles have done a great job of soaking up the water, so it's seriously thick! Nom nom nom..

Rating 5/5 - Nom Nom Nom!!

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Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 08:05
That sounds exactly like my cup of tea
Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 08:55
.. you have noodles and tacos in your cup of tea..???!

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Thu, 23 Aug 2018, 12:32
Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 04:52
Noodle Five


Another "just curry” noodle. Nom nom!!

Looks Like...

Very messy. There’s leftover curry powder all around the rim!

Tastes Like...

It's not quite as nice as the "Morrison’s-alike" from last month. It's not quite as fruity as that one was, although it does still have a nice spicy kick to it.
The curry powder still tastes quite powdery, leaving a slight gritty taste. Not the greatest.
The noodles are only about half as wide as usual Pot Noodle noodles, and in fact about half of what the previous (also a QTTA one) was, too.

Rating : 3/5 - I was looking forward to this one. Bit of a let down.

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Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 08:58
I've been really ill this week - stomach bug has knocked me for six; I hadn't eaten anything for three days due to no appetite (still no appetite, but I'm forcing myself to eat light).

I asked the wife to pick me up some noodle meals, they're usually harmless and easy to eat - I had a BBQ Super Noodle today for lunch. Never again. Ever. Never. I've never had them before, so didn't realise just how awful they are. They're like slimy string in dirty washing up water. Bleurgh!
Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 09:08
Aww. Poor Rockford.
Get well soon.

Yeah, Super Noodles are bloody disgusting. You’re right about the slimyness.. I’m not quite sure how they manage that, but.. eeeuughh!!! Always reminds me of that goo under the crust of a Fray Bentos pie. *shudder*
Anything but Super Noodles.

The cheap-ass ownbrand noodles are typically better, and go well if you have a few veggies to make a stir fry. Fry the veg for a bit, then chuck in the pack of noodles and enough water to cook them dryly. (Usually about half the stated "soup" amount)
Maybe use your own spices, though, as the typical ownbrand chicken flavouring is .. .. not what I’d call chicken!

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Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 09:12
Cheers Jay. May try somethig a bit more adventurous when I'm not running back and fore to the loo!
Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 09:14
Oooohhh!!! Not good!
I tend to go more for crisps when I'm that bad.

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Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 09:33
No appetite at all. And I eat crisps by the truckload. Haven't had a single one for a week.
Tue, 28 Aug 2018, 09:49

No crisps!?!
Thu, 30 Aug 2018, 05:31
Noodle Six

Looks Like...

Tastes Like...

Has the weirdest smell. Like a woody BBQ smell mixed with some kind of pickle, or something..
Such a bizarre smell..
The taste is similarly odd. Can’t quite place the flavour.
It is nice, but it's also .. odd!!
Only a gentle spice, IMO. Not as much of a kick as the previous QTTA Curry.

Rating : 2/5 - I’m still not sure if I enjoyed it!!

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Tue, 04 Sep 2018, 06:34
Noodle Seven

Looks Like...

Rather soupy.
The sachet of sauce was rather thick. Kinda like Ketchup, but really thick and lumpy!!

Tastes Like...

They weren’t kidding about the Sour bit. Smells a lot like Chinese Sweet’n’Sour.
Definitely one of the oddest tastes, so far. A vague fishy taste, weird vinager sourness, and quite a spicy kick, too.
The noodles aren’t too bad, but are the "don’t soak up the taste” variety, which is a shame, because there's a lot of flavour in here!!

Rating : 5/5 - really quite flavourful. I probably wouldn’t have it very often*, if I had the chance, but as a one off it's nice.

* I've attempted to find some of the better noodles on Amazon..
... no fucking chance!!

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Tue, 04 Sep 2018, 08:37
Sounds OK. Looks OK.
Thu, 06 Sep 2018, 05:47
Noodle Eight
Last of the fourth box.

Interesting instructions.. wtf is dried hot water?

When you remove the outer wrapped, it’s a bland empty box!!

Looks Like

Similarly bland!

Tastes Like...

It's got a little kick to it, but there’s not a lot of taste in here.
The noodles were done in just the water, with the sachet being added afterwards, so they’ve obviously not taken up much of the flavour.
Or maybe my water wasn’t quite dry enough?

Rating 1/5 - Quite a dull end to an otherwise mostly interesting box of noodles.

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Thu, 06 Sep 2018, 07:10
The final result doesn't exactly look like that on the front of the box...

And yeah, "dried hot water" is not that abundant in these here parts!
Fri, 14 Sep 2018, 08:20
Not the best start to Box #5

That's a bit of an ominous looking hole, if I do say so myself.
Thankfully, all the noodles have an exterior plastic-wrap, so the other 6 are undamaged, and (hopefully!) unaffected by whatever caused the damage to those two.
.. Hmmm..


First noodle-review will be Tuesday, but we've obviously only got 6 to go through.

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Fri, 14 Sep 2018, 09:33
Looks like it's been gnawed through!
Fri, 14 Sep 2018, 09:38
Trying not to think about that...
Wed, 19 Sep 2018, 14:50
ZenPop are apparently sending out a replacement box.
NoodleReviews delayed until either the replacement gets here, or next month's does!!

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Wed, 19 Sep 2018, 15:32
Should think so too!

Shame about the delay though.

No. No.
No. No. No. No.
No. No. No. No.
There's no noodles!
Thu, 20 Sep 2018, 04:35
I ate a gypsy snitzel yesterday

Interesting to see how many of those ramen kinds they have.
Wed, 17 Oct 2018, 05:41
Noodles not arrived yet then Jay?
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