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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Bathroom Scribbles

Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 04:44
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 04:44
Ohhhh ohhhh I have one from the airport...
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 04:47

Phuket airport... I was the happiest little ginger in the world when I clocked the middle one!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 05:05
I'm more concerned with the first one! What's that saying? Don't shit in your hand and throw it down the lavvy??
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 06:28
LOL. The last one's for Steve - no smoking in the bog after he's been in there!
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 08:29
I believe the leftmost one is warning you against sprinkling magic beans into there.
Bad things might happen if you do that.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 12:27
rockford The last one's for Steve - no smoking in the bog after he's been in there!

You mean no smoking within ten miles after I've been in there!
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 12:40
The thing that gets me with the middle one, is that obviously, someone has in the past, jumped on the bowl, squatted and literally blew shit all over the place!

Imagine having to clean that up... It'll be horrific, I mean, your talking counselling here!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 12:56
We've had a couple of mental health service users over the past 25 years that have placed their "deposits" everywhere but the crapper. Oh how everyone rushes to clean it up...

We had one guy who used to manually evacuate (shove his hand up his arse to pull out all the shit), then wipe his hands and "remains" over everything. We got him a house of his own pretty sharpish. Unfortunate soul carked it just a few weeks later.
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 12:59
..... what a lovely story!
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 13:44
Where I used to work, there were some proper dirty fuckers who would pick their noses and wipe it on the bog walls, and just leave it stuck there for some poor fucker to have to scrape off.

Other times you'd go into one of the stalls and there'd be an empty McDonald's bag and drink cup on the floor down the side of the bog, as if some dirty bastard had chosen that area over the canteen to sit and eat their dinner.

There were some right dirty cunts worked for British Gas.
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 15:13
... those are people you don’t really want to be working with :/

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 05 Mar 2018, 15:34
Especially when I could well end up using a keyboard and mouse they've had their grubby mits on.
Tue, 06 Mar 2018, 02:03
Coming from a building site background, I can honestly say, some people are fucking horrendous, and all in the name of a laugh... Dog shit under wheel barrow handles, back of van door handles, shit in peoples bait boxes, piles of shit (With tissue) in dark corners of jobs... Twatting stuff was everywhere!!!

One of my faves when I was an apprentice is Ian, who taught me to plaster, he had a shit, and blocked the bog up on a job... Steve the brickie went in, and was greeted, apparently, to a full bowl of minced up shit where Ian had tried to ram it around the bend but it wouldnt budge... Hell on, cos he was gagging to crimp one off!!!

Anyway, Ian asked me to knock up a couple of mixer fulls of render as he had a fiddle job on on the night, so, I made one, bucketed it up and chucked that one on the van, made another, and while it was spinning in, I went in to start tidying up. I came back out, the render was done, so tipped it out, bucketed it up, back of the van it went and cleaned up... Then we set ourselves away, Ian dropped me off at home and he then went to his fiddle job.

Next morning, in the yard, Ian pulls in... Furious... Absolutely furious... He was going to linch the brickie... Apparently, Steve had a shit in a bucket, and when he was done, he came out, saw the render was spinning in the mixer, and chucked the bucket of poo in it.

Ian went to the fiddle job, started, wifey made him a nice cuppa, and he proceeded to start rendering the wall in this house, as they were talking he loaded his hand board up, scooped a trowel full off and spread it up the wall... Including, and not limited too, a rather large chod of human pooage!

Lol, when he was telling me, I was ill laughing, getting bollocked because "It wasnt fucking funny", but it was... Apparently, the wifey nearly barfed, the smell was horrendous... And... How do you explain that?

Never get away with that now mind... But aye, shit, you can get a laugh out of it!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Tue, 06 Mar 2018, 02:22