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Socoder -> Off Topic -> ScamHappy

Tue, 09 Jan 2018, 04:52
Buyer Beware.. Linkage

''Load, Next List!''
Tue, 09 Jan 2018, 04:52
Thank fuck they were caught quite early into the scam. Many people that backed the ZX Vega Plus weren't so lucky, those fuckers did a runner with more than half a million quid. Yes!, you're reading this right, half a million fucking quid.
Tue, 09 Jan 2018, 04:55
All they (Retro Computers LTD) have to show for it is about ten demonstration consoles, they gave those away at Spectrum35 and then portrayed that those were a new and improved console. Retro fans aren't convinced though, something to do with some tell-tale signs on the rainbow logo and the fact that they never seem to show it working properly.
Tue, 09 Jan 2018, 05:22
This is why I don't do crowdfunding.

Make your shit first, then I'll buy it if I like it. Because that's really how life works.