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Socoder -> Off Topic -> When FPSs Didn't do IAPs

Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 06:53
Heads-up. Unreal Tournament Classic : GOTW is only £1.19 on Steam. .. He says after spending about an hour trying to find the bloody CDs.

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Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 06:54
I just grabbed the 5 in 1 pack for £2.29
Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 14:09
I've been on an unreal tourney binge over chrimbo, loved playing through both 99 and 2004 versions

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 15:17
I must admit, it takes some getting used to, trying to play it with just a joypad instead of a mouse like I'm used to!!

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Fri, 29 Dec 2017, 16:12
Aye, joypad controls for an FPS never really stayed with me, except for goldeneye / perfect dark.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 07:09
Finally remembered where I put my UT Backup CDs with all my maps, skins, mods and mutators.

.. Fuck..
two CDs, each containing a big .zip file, each one completely irretrievable from the corrupt CDs.

Note 1 : Fucking CD backups are fucking useless. If you have ANYTHING on CD backup, grab it NOW, if you can, and pop it onto a proper NAS backup drive.. FFS

Note 2 : If I'd've stored everything as individual files, instead of as a big .zip, at least some of the individual files would've been retrievable.
.. FFS..

Lesson Learned...

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Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 07:24
I remember being tricked into buying a 10x10 box of verbatim cd's back in the late ninetees. It stated in the advert "lifetime guaranteed" They did not last very long at all.

Luckely Steam takes care of my games and saves now.

I tried fallout 4 a couple of days ago. It had a hard crash after maybe 5 minutes of playing. I think the last nvidia update broke it. I could play it for an entire day a couple of weeks ago without a problem. I had this with Overwatch also back when it was free to play. Other games just work without a problem.
Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 07:44
Used to love Medal of Honour: Frontline, played with joypad. Even thought there was no tutorial to get used to the controls - at the start it threw you right into the shit with the Normandy landings. It's like "there you go.... work it out yourself".

It was fucking nails, but get used to it, I did. Turned out to be one of the best games I've ever played.

Only really play console games now so gamepads are the weapon of [hobson's] choice. But I can't say any FPS has really measured up since. I'd maybe like to try Battlefield 1, or COD: WW2 but Black Ops III really put me off. It was bloody awful.
Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 07:48
I need to dig out the Original XBox and TimeSplitters 2&3.. (never had #1 !)
Now THAT is how you do a console FPS!!

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Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 07:52
Oh yeah Timesplitters 2 was quite good, too. Don't think I ever finished it tho... seem to recall getting stuck with some big-ass laser thing shooting randomly around the room.
Sun, 31 Dec 2017, 08:23
Timesplitters 2 was ace in multiplayer. Never really enjoyed TS3 though.