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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Jay's New Lumia 1020

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014, 09:47
Jay, when you get your Lumia you may want to concider upgrading it to the Windows Phone 8.1 beta
Wed, 18 Jun 2014, 09:47
I'll have a fiddle, but will probably spend most of Day One playing "chase the cat around with new camera!"

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Wed, 18 Jun 2014, 12:49
Oh My God.
You have the Camera. I love the camera only for the resolution that it has for taing stills.

Aside from the still resolution of 40 Million pixels, what are the video resolution specifications?

Wed, 18 Jun 2014, 12:57
I'm quite surprised that the video is actually only 1080p 30fps. IIRC, even my iPod does 1080p at 60fps. (Although I might be wrong, there, but it looks nice and smooth!!)

But.. Yeah, the camera..
A combination of "It'll be handy for Windows Mobile Game Dev" and "OOOOoooooh, The Camera!"
As far as other usage goes, I doubt it'll get any more use than that, I'm afraid, especially since I don't go anywhere!

More info tomorrow when it turns up.
Mmmmm... New toy!

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 06:45
I've wasted today, playing the "waiting for a parcel" game..
13:45, still not turned up..
Amazon Prime : Next Day : ..... Eventually....

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 07:57
Finally turned up, but the damn battery's no charge in it!! Wtf is that about??! Gonna have to wait longer, now.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 08:23
Took a couple of "tied by a cable to the plug socket" based pics, and am now trying to work out the best way to get the full sized image to the PC. It saves each photo as full 38MP (it takes away the edge of the pic!) and compressed resized 5MP version. The 5MP one is the default when sharing, so I can easily email those, or whatever.. but.. hmmm... Might need to plug it in for the big stuff!

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 08:34
Aww, no fair.. Finally remembered my own Socoder password (Thanks GoogleChrome for making me lazy, there!!) and went to the upload page, only to find the stupid Windows phone doesn't let me upload! *tsk*

.. Am now leaving it to fully charge before fiddling any more with it.

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 08:50
You can setup Facebook and Twitter, and then you can share photos from the camera app directly (at least you can on Windows 8.1).

If you install Imgur, you can also share through that too. Should be able to do so with Imstagram too.

You should also have a look for Nokia Camera in the app store; it's a great camera app.
Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 08:54
Aye, but sharing only shares the 5MP version. I need to plug it into the lappy, I think..

.. *goes to pick up phone*
"Windows Updates are ready!"

... *sigh* Oh yeah, Windows...

Oh, and Nokia Camera Pro is preinstalled, since it's necessary for the super-mega-sized pics..

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 09:35
Picture Time!!!

Image of back garden.

With Zoom Off (5MP Scaled by Phone)

Zoom On (5MP Scaled by Phone)

Full 38, or something MP Image (Original Size, unscaled)
Link, because it's nearly 13 Fucking Megabytes!

When you take a photo, it saves both the Megasize and the 5MP one. If you've zoomed in, the 5MP is the digital zoom, but the megasize is still the original. Magical things happening in the palm of my hand!

Apparently there's a "RAW" (instead of JPG) switch, too, but I'm not that much of a photo-crazed nutjob.. ... yet!

(Oh, and yes, our fence is completely fuxorzed.. Happened during the storms a couple of months ago, and the neighbour's not had time to organise anything yet, what with the whole squirrel invasion, and all that!!)

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 10:52

View on YouTube

Bit grainy, could be better, but I blame that mostly on the fact that I compressed the video on the phone, to email it to myself, to pick it up on the iPad, to upload it to YouTube!!! It looks better without all that crap!!

Anyway, thing to note.. See how unsteady the brew is, and imagine that's also happening to the camera. Quite a nice little steady cam it's got going on!!

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 12:36
Lego Ghostbusters in super-HD!

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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 12:43
Will have to try harder
Will require taking off my wall, giving a good flattening (probably under some books or something) and then a nice high def photo!


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Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 12:44
It looks like it might rain, you should take that washing in.
Thu, 19 Jun 2014, 13:00
Worry not, DD, it's actually been surprisingly nice, today. Cloudy, but warm and dry.

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Fri, 20 Jun 2014, 03:21
What's up a cat's nose!?
Let's have a look!!
Molly 001

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Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 17:33
I'm finding it alarmingly annoying that, in order to access the large fullsized photos, I need to plug the bloomin' thing into my Laptop. They're both running Windows. They both recognise each other. Why can't I just do the file-access stuff over the network!?

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Sat, 21 Jun 2014, 18:15
In general, if I upload something to the internet, I'm 100% aware that someone, somewhere, will eventually do something with it!!

I usually try to find ways to make my photo uploads as high-res as possible, so they can be used as big desktops or whatever. It's nice to be able to do that, so I've never shied away from it.
...True, some dick's probably profiting from all my photos, somewhere, but whatever. This is the internet. You aren't ever going to stop that from happening!

After a good scouring of the net, I've rediscovered Flickr.
Each photo seems to need it's own individual upload, title, description.. So it's not going to be the lazy-ass method of "copy pic to folder.. blammo, online!!" that I was hoping for, and it'll probably take bloomin' ages to upload pics each night, but .. Hey, at least you can get to the super-sized HD pics! Hurray!

If you click the Share button on Flickr, it has a "BBCode" button, which gives you pics like this..
Rolling About by jayenkai, on Flickr

Damn, that's messy!!
I think I'm going to have to design some kind of Flickr-BBCode thing..

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