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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Aminal Xing Knew Leef

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Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 07:44
Just did my first proper fruit harvest.. I'd left them growing for about 3 or 4 days, Incase any visitors wanted any, but today I was a bit bored, so went picking for kicks..
Managed over 45,000 just from fruit!! Wootsocks!!

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Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 10:04
Just catch 3 sharks and you'll get that

I've never really been one for harvesting fruit - I just like seeing laden fruit trees around my land; they brighten up the place. I only really sell fruit when desperate for cash.

Big bugs and sharks is where the real money is. Just run around the island for 30 minutes and you'll gross a couple of hundred thousand bells.

AC continues to suck my time like a Dyson sucks dust!
Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 10:13
I've really been enjoying the peace and quiet that comes from swimming around in your wetsuit. Nice and calm..
Not even hitting the A button.. Just a casual, slow, relaxing swim around the island. Lovely!!!

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Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 10:21
Swimming is indeed very relaxing

I can honestly say that this is the very best version of AC (s0 far).
Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 14:06
I don't harvest fruit too often, but perfect trees are too hard to resist. I've expanded my orchard such that a single harvest yields almost 360,000 bells. The game seems kind of broken; though if, prior to this game's release, you came up to me and told me that a fruit was going to be the most overpowered item in any game, I'd laugh.
Wed, 03 Jul 2013, 23:30
That does sound a bit fecked, however it is still a lot of work - waiting for trees to fruit and replacing the tree when it stops producing perfect fruits.
Thu, 04 Jul 2013, 06:05
Awesome morning!!
Not only has Club LOL finally opened, but T&Ts finally had a slingshot!!!
It's about feckin' time!!

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Thu, 04 Jul 2013, 08:07
I got a slingshot ages ago (so did my son) - strange that you've had to wait so long.

Due to working nights I've not played the game today (just got up). Will soon though

Can't wait to see Club LOL.
Fri, 05 Jul 2013, 02:05
..it's a bit empty! I was expecting a crowd!

But it's nice, and KKs happy to be DJing for a change

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Fri, 05 Jul 2013, 15:03
..that special Nintendo attention to detail..

The wallpaper slants at staircases!

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Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 03:29
Club LOL is OPEN!! (except it's closed right now). LOL!

The Abel Sisters' shop is also getting an extension and I've now got A QR sewing machine - that'll come in very handy, I'm sure...

The museum has had an extension (and I got the silver bug net as a result) and have now rented a display suite to fill with all my gyroids and other shite.

Bloody hell! It's all go in my town today!!

All I need now is an axe. Leif has sold nothing but fecking watering cans all week the bitch! Why? You get a free can from Isabelle and they never break. You only ever need one and rarely use it. Whereas the axe is used a lot more often (unfortunately you can't use it on Leif) and breaks after five minutes. It wouldn't be so bad if she sold watering cans once a week and axes the rest of the time (or get a bigger fucking shop as only being able to sell 5 items a day can't bring in mucho bells). Maybe she'll expand over time.
Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 03:36

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Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 03:41
Can't currently afford the museum extension, as I'm halfway through the Dream-Suite payment plan. :\

Bloody bells! grrr!!

My Able's is also mid-extension.. Wonder what goes there!? Kicks is already open, and they don't appear to be making the shop bigger, or they'd have closed like Nook's did.

Will open my town gate for a bit... My Leif has an Axe!

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Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 05:09
I'm travelling to PlatTown now

BTW - There's only thing missing from the last AC game so far...

|edit| to remove possible semi-spolier type comment.
Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 05:23
.. There's still two derelict buildings on my high street..
I expected Club LOL to take up the larger of the three, but instead it used one of the two small background buildings..
So, if Makeover's going to be part of Able's, what's the other two buildings for?

I figured Dream-Suite and Resetti Center would be elsewhere, but maybe they're there..

... I'm not looking!!!!

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Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 05:37
Dream Suite takes up one of the derelict buildings - don't know about Resetti (I can't even see the point of that one, but I'll have to build it and see soon), but I presume it fits in there somewhere.

Shampoodle(?) probably takes up the small locked room above the Able Sister's. Yep, that seems like everything is covered.

Unless there's a GracieGrace in this game.
Sat, 06 Jul 2013, 17:27
Having successfully got my first KKBootleg, I rushed home to pop it into my, thus far, empty CD Player.
Finally, a tune at home!!
... I got home to discover the world's weirdest program, ever, on my telly..

Vine clip

How bizarre..
A couple of minutes later, a testcard appeared!
I may have to keep a closer eye on the TV picks!

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Sun, 07 Jul 2013, 03:46
The tvs are great aren't they. They show different programmes throughout the day.

I can't play my KK bootleg - I haven't got a CD player yet!

For over 10 years I've been after a particular KK song - I never got it on GameCube, Wii or DS. I remember it well and can hum and whistle it. I first heard/saw it on a free video demo disc that I got with a Nintendo mag before the first game came out - and they never gave the name of the song. Bastards. As I don't know what it's called, I can't ask KK for it. I'm hoping that I'll get it one day. There are over 50 songs in the first game alone so searching/listening through each one isn't going to happen!

In other news I got stung by a scorpion last night and just as I was about to catch another it disappeared in front of my eyes. Nrggggghhhh!!!

I got a banded dragonfly yesterday though - they were my nemesis in the GC version; took fecking ages to catch. No bother in this game. I just can't get the tarantulas or scorpions now though.

BTW - One other feature that's still missing is Brewster's Coffee shop. Forgot that yesterday.
Tue, 09 Jul 2013, 01:53
My salon is now open and my T&Tmart is going to be closed for remodeling again tomorrow.

Still haven't caught a scorpion or tarantula... yet!
Tue, 09 Jul 2013, 02:34
I've barely entered my village at all, over the past day or so. Been far too busy juggling projects!
However, yes, Shampoodle's turned up, and T&Ts was closed yesterday.
I currently have a completely full inventory, because I went fishing for sharks late last night, then realised Nook's wasn't open, and Re-Tail had already closed!! D'oh!

So, I danced at the club with a shark in my pants...

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Tue, 09 Jul 2013, 15:49
...so, I hopped into town at my usual time, only to find a shocking discovery...
> Reveal 🔎

FFS.. Aw well, I spent a few minutes listening to KK, then sold some fishy bits to ReTail before heading back to bed.

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Wed, 10 Jul 2013, 13:41
Dang it..
Forgot it closes early..
Had my usual evening nap, then woke up and switched on Animal Crossing, only to find the bloody thing had closed again! D'oh!!!

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Wed, 10 Jul 2013, 15:57
I saw my first tarantula in two weeks tonight - for about half a second; before it hurled itself into a pond. Fucksocks.
Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 05:45
Can't believe I've now missed a day's worth of Fortune Cookies. D'oh!
Aw well. I got today's.
I was slightly tempted to time-travel a couple of hours, yesterday, to get my cookies, but.. .. Nah! That's not the spirit of the game!

.. god damnit, I'm hooked!!

25 cookies collected, so far, and about 8 duplicate cookie-token things sitting in my cupboards.

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 06:27
I've had a fair number of duplicates too - which I've either give to my son or sold. We should consider swapping from now on. The cookies are ace and really do add to the game.

In other news - the scorpions in my town are suicidal too; again choosing water (a river this time) rather than my comfy net.
Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 06:30
I've left my gate open for the day, and the fruit are in bloom.. But I'm coding, so I've left it plugged in, charging, and .. being open!

In other news, I went cliff diving, today!!

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