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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Aminal Xing Knew Leef

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Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 07:13
Thanks for visiting again, and for leaving more piles of bones all over my lovely town floor!! Gah! Gonna have to get Isabelle to clean up, now.

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Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 07:50
I dug them up from your land, so they were yours anyway.
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 08:00

You thieving git!!!!

Yeah, I've had a busy morning. Had to collect a bunch of signatures, for some crazy eyed funnyman. Didn't get around to doing my regular digging, although I did spot the oddball rock, so I at least got around to doing that task of the day.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 08:27
You thieving git!!!!

I didn't steal anything. I left them for you, but in a more convenient location

I haven't so much as taken a single fruit from your land, although I am hoping to...

Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 08:30
If the fruit's growing, it's free for the taking. That's what it's there for!

There's currently apples, lemons, those weird yellow spikey things I can never remember the name of, and a buttload of cherries hovering around the town.
I also have coconuts, mangoes, bananas, peaches, but those have all been flogged for the bridge. You'll have to wait for them!

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Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 08:56
I'm waiting... The spiky things are durians.

The only fruits I now need are -


I think :/
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 09:14
Freaky weird-ass fruit!
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 09:36
Rockford, get over here. I've got some fruits waiting for you.
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:00
I'm coming!

Open your gates then

|edit| I've opened my gate to all far-away users and will leave my 3DS on for a while. I'm going to be busy, so I'll pop into my town as and when I can - hopefully we can meet up
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:15
That happened to me, once, too. Annoying, with little/no useful info..
Nice to see Mr Resetti pop up on the error screen, though

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Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:15
I totally didn't just accidentally delete my post

I hate that communication errors remove your progress. That's terrible in a game like this, and it hurts on the inside. I did a lot of stuff with my gate open, but I wasn't saving frequently
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:17
We guessed!

'm guessing you're talking about a wi-fi drop out? My son and I had this and Mr Resetti popped up.
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:22
It happens really often. If I leave wifi on for more than 20 minutes, it's likely to happen even though my Internet connection is perfectly fine. That's not fun.
Fri, 28 Jun 2013, 10:24
Thanks for the fruit and the flying visit.

We'll all have to play Hide & Seek together some day
Sun, 30 Jun 2013, 17:47
Was playing about with the megaphone, today..
Basically running around the village, occasionally shouting out random villagers names, to see what would happen.
.. Mum was laughing her arse off, as I basically sat there going "Avery!!" Every few seconds!!

Anyway, this happened..
> Reveal 🔎

!!!!? Fair enough!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 03:18
It's probably right. :/

I've not used my megaphone yet, but will do later.

Anyway - new month, new bugs and fish

I caught 2 arapaimas straight off this morning. Loadsamoney!
Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 05:30
God damned, you weren't kidding about the bugs.. Noisy village, this morning!!

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 07:28
Cicadas are noisy buggers aren't they

Other than the Evening Cicada I've caught all the fish and bugs for this month (2 new fish and 6 new bugs in total according to something I read (which doesn;t include the walking stick, as I actually got that the end of last month on the island). There's also only one sea-food (diving item) that's new.

Seems like June had pretty much all of the bugs/fish/sea-foods and every other month just has a few. Methinks Nintendo should have spread it out a bit more.

Oh well, still lots to do.

Has your Shrunk entertainment centre opened yet? I'm itching to see KK again. And where's Brewster's coffee shop nowadays?

Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 07:38
No idea where Mr crazy hair man's run off to. Haven't heard from him since Friday.. Hmmm.. Yeah, kinda desperate to get some tunes from KK

(Autocorrect just tried to "fix" that to KKK, btw!!)

As for Brewster, no idea. I know he's in here, somewhere, but I'm avoiding spoilers.. Kinda having a lot of fun unlocking these things as I go, to be honest.

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 07:49
Me too on the whole.

I only looked up fish and bugs so that I don't miss them during the month. I don't want to have to timeskip or wait a whole year just for an ant (for example).

I still haven't got a bloody tarantula though - I've run around my land at night for 2 weeks now and haven't even seen one since I was last ambushed.
Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 16:59
Hmmm.. Thought Mr LOL might've been there at night, so hopped in extra late, just to see.. Nope.. No sign of him..
Starting to think he just came to swindle the town out of a few signatures!!
I did spot one nice thing, though.. If you go into T&T for the ten minutes before they close, the music is different. Going to have to go into all the other shops, before closing, now!!

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Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 17:18
Does anyone else think it's a little creepy that Blathers can dig through your pockets!?

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Mon, 01 Jul 2013, 20:45
I'm always disturbed when he knows that I don't have anything to donate. It's like he can see what I have before I bother to show it to him.
Tue, 02 Jul 2013, 04:20
Blathers is very weird - I'd remove him from my town or have him under constant surveillance in real life.

I suspect Shrunk won't appear again until his club opens. Meanwhile, one of the Able sisters is going googoo for me... :S
Tue, 02 Jul 2013, 04:25
Indeed, same here. Just as always, the more you chat to her, the more she'll chatter back. Always nice!

I wonder why they don't make more of the villagers do things like that.

I must admit, I'm quite disappointed that most of the villagers appear to have the same bog-standard AI as the previous games. It'd be nice to see some proper communication going on between your neighbours.
Maybe next time!!

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