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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Aminal Xing Knew Leef

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 09:06
4N1M4L CR0551NG N3W LE4F arrived today It’s nigh on identical to all the other 4C games, but with a few differences, which means it’s still digital crack!
Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 09:06
Aww, mine only just got dispatched, today lucky git.

I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 10:15
We'll have to meet up in our villages and swap fruit and stuff

*** The following has no major spoilers, but does include info ***

So far I've got loads of fish (no bugs, as I haven't got a net yet)and a few fossils, paid off my down-payment and enjoyed wandering.

I don't know if you've played other versions of Xing, but there's a lot more fish and bugs flying and swimming around at any one time than in past games.

I was disappointed that I was catching the same old fish as in the other versions until I realized that there seems to be a lot more slots for fish than last time - meaning that there's plenty of new ones! I haven't checked the bugs encyclopedia but I'm hoping it's the same as the fish (more).

Found a couple of new secrets (one was very interesting and valuable).

can't wait till tomorrow to see my house and start customizing it and hopefully get that net!

But yeah, loving it all over again

BTW My land has cherry trees (there's something new about the fruit too )
Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 11:35
I've not read your post.. I'm pretty much spoiler free, other than
> Reveal 🔎

.. I know it's not exactly a spoilerific game, but.. You know.. It's half the fun, ain't it!!

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Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 12:56
Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 16:35
I've been playing a LOT of this game with my friends over the last few days. I have oranges and have been doing pretty well. Rockford, we're already 3ds friends. We can coordinate a visit sometime.
Thu, 13 Jun 2013, 19:29
We can coordinate a visit sometime.

That'd be cool
Fri, 14 Jun 2013, 07:31
FUCKING ROYAL MAIL... God damnit....

Maybe tomorrow :/

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Fri, 14 Jun 2013, 08:45

Fri, 14 Jun 2013, 09:05

Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 03:02
... still waiting ...
Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 09:59
No longer waiting

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 10:03
OK, I've read your post, now

Found out the "new fruit thing" when Isabelle gave me the new fruit for eating/planting/whatever.
Started with cherries, and she's given me Apples, so gotta wait for those to grow.
Will now have to wait until tomorrow, cos she seems a big peed that I'm still playing after such a long day!
Similarly paid off down payment, and spent a lot of time fishing.

Great stuff

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 10:12
I started with oranges and have a lot of pear trees from my sister. Could use some apples or cherries. There's also another way of getting lots of fruits that I'd rather not spoil for you, but there are a bunch of new types of fruits you can get.

There's a bug-catching contest going on in my town today, if anyone wants to visit. I'll leave my gate open.
edit: I've been informed that the bug-catching contest is global. That's exciting.

I should warn you that not all of my villagers are very friendly. A few of them have rude catchphrases. My town is named "Solitude", after all. Might be best to leave them be.
Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 11:30
Indeed. My bug catching contest finished half an hour ago... I won \o/yeay\o/

And, don't worry about having nasty neighbours. I like to do that, too

I've already started leaving machete threats on the town's message board!

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Sat, 15 Jun 2013, 11:41
I registered 3 3DS games and I got a free AC download. I've given my son the cartridge and I'm using the download now. My new game has peaches and the old one cherries.

What I'm doing is transferring all my old bells and items to my new game and then nuking the old one - despite catching a ton of fossils, fish, bugs, multi-storey house tropical island "pass" and winning the gold trophy in the Bug-Off (105 points with a bird-wing butterfly).

My new town doesn't look as good as my old one, but once I've developed it a bit it'll be OK.

My town is called Paradise. We'll have to arrange a meet up and swap bits and bobs.

I see you also got the rainbow download thing Jay

BTW Isabelle gave me cherries in this new land.
Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 08:28
Must put down AC and focus on AGameAWeek!!!!!

You know... There's an App for that..
In the eStore, you can download the "Cart->Digital Save Game Doohickey" .. Unless, of course, you simply WANTED to redo from start..

Spent today doing the majority of my "Mayor Appreciation Level" chores. Got it up to 91%.
Isabelle kept telling me to go pluck some weeds, but I'd already plucked all the town's weeds before she told me to, so I think I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow, then go and do it again. hmm.. bug?!

I also did quite a lot of fishing, and managed to pay off my first loan, already, which is nice.. (Not sure exactly which fish it was, but 3 fish netted me over 11,000 bells in one go!! Blinder!!)

> Reveal 🔎

Had to plug the 3DS in to recharge for a bit, so might as well get on with coding for an hour or two, I suppose.

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Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 09:11
I've said it before, but AC is digital crack.

I got the "Fishing Mania" badge today. I think I've caught all the possible fish for the month now. I'm still missing some bugs - I've seen them or caught them in my other version, but not in the digital copy (eg tarantula - got that first time in the cart. Been fecked by it three or four times this game, either due to tree positioning and accidentally running into it or just not got the right gear out). I'll get the bugger tonight though!

As for the cart->digital I forgot about the app. I needed to nuke the cart for my son, but other than the tarantula I've "caught" up now on everything (I think).

I seriously need to get myself an axe - too many useless trees that just get in the way and obscure bugs on trees behind.
Sun, 16 Jun 2013, 15:26
For future reference, (for me, at least) it seems much easier to use Socoder's upload to upload your screenshots, than it does Nintendo's Picture Share gubbins.

Alarmingly, the screenshots aren't in 3D... What in the name of Resetti is that all about!?

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 05:39
Where did you get the model house from?

BTW I didn't get the tarantula last night I only saw one and the dozy fucker jumped into the river!
Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 05:55
Physical Fitness Freak (Rod the Mouse/Rat?) sent me on a small errand to take a TShirt to a fellow villager (Joey the Duck).
Since Rod was LITERALLY right outside Joey's house, it took only a jiffy to get there and back.
Rod was quite pleased, and inexplicably gave me an entire dollhouse as a reward, the daft idiot!

*sigh* I've only gone and started one of those tumbly things!!!

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Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 08:34
I had a villager ask me to give a gift to a character that was standing literally next to her. I only get tie died tees as gifts
Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 11:27
One character wanted me to give something to someone else, and I did... neither of them gave me a gift for it. I was a bit peeved.
Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 14:21
Tonight's events..
  • Possible Pedophile
  • Time Travel
  • Japanese

    Busy night!

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  • Mon, 17 Jun 2013, 15:04
    All my villagers have fleas! LOL.
    Tue, 18 Jun 2013, 05:23
    It's raining in my village, but never mind - I got to go to the tropical island! Yay!
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