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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Phone Charges

Wed, 06 Mar 2013, 09:57
So... My wife is on Vodafone, I was too, but, jumped to EE for my Nokia 920... Been out of contract with them now since December, low and behold... For the 3rd month running, Vodafone has taken 2 payments from our joint account... Looks like a call to the regulator is in order, because they are literally taking the piss now (Missed two payments for other stuff because of it, thus, DD charges on top too)... I’m stotting!!!

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Wed, 06 Mar 2013, 09:57
Feckin' phone companies.. The world will be a better place once we can finally kill them off!

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Wed, 06 Mar 2013, 10:03
Well, shes gonna ring them because I'll lose my rag... And their not the only ones, when I had Sky they had a habit of taking payments when they wanted too!

The lot of them are sodding bandits, whatever happened to good old customer satisfaction (AND I'M NOT EVEN A SODDING CUSTOMER, SHE IS!!!)?

What point in recent years did they go from actually just providing a decent service and be happy with that, to trying to butt rape you of your hard earned?

Ohhhhhh... If a Vodafone rep knocks on my door tonight I'll be up in court tomorrow, guaranteed!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 07 Mar 2013, 23:39
Otherwise, how are you finding the 920?

Mine broke in Feb, I've had it replaced, but my new one is crashing every day. A soft reset brings it back, but clearly the new phone isn't working. : (

It's a shame, because it's an awesome phone.
Fri, 08 Mar 2013, 01:18
I'm finding the 920 a cracking phone JL matey... Never had one single problem with it as of yet, granted, battery life is a thorn, but, that's always an issue with any new large smartphone (Wife has a Galaxy S3)

I also like the Windows 8 tiles setup too, nice big tiles to press, which is handy for my fat fingers, yeah, if you scroll right, you get the list of apps where the tiles are slightly smaller, but, you can press the whole line of the app you want to open... Where as, IMO, icons on either Android/iOS are just too bloody small, especially on iOS when you want to remove an app and your greeted with wiggly icons and a tiny "X" on the corner of them.

I've even showed people my phone to members of my family, and they like it too... My older brother got the next model down, it was actually a boon for him because it comes bundled with Office, and he can do little odds and ends while out on the building site he runs, on the train, or even out and about... And it's compatible straight off the bat with the software his company uses... No messing!

He loves it all, and, like me, fails to see why people suggest its got to by shite because the OS is Windows 8... And like me, he agrees, that these people say its shite on the sole basis they havent even tried the bugger but just because it's a MS OS it's automatically demoted to "bad", because MS are baddddd... Load of bollocks of course, people have been wanting MS to fail on everything for as long as I can remember, granted, they have their moments... But take this list of reasons from the bb.com board on why C# is supposed to be crap (It isnts of course):-


Take a peek at number 5, and try not too laugh!

With people constantly spouting uneducated bollocks like that, and emphasising something is bad, because it's based on MS... Some nuggets will listen, then tell the tale to other people, and as such, before you know it, you have people like me, my brother, (Yourself?) pulling their hair out while screaming to them "NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOO, ITS A GOOD PHONE FOR GODS SAKE!!!!"

I've digressed a bit there, lol, nowt new, but, its a shame your having trouble with them, I had the same when it came to an HTC Desire, it overheated within the first fortnight of use, had to be repaired, got a new one, crashes here and there, put up with it though, but when I found out someone else has one and I ask them how were finding it, 9/10 they would be "Yeah, its great, no problems"... And in the back of my mind I'd be thinking "Gits!!!!"


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 08 Mar 2013, 02:20
I don't mind the "MS" part of it, it's the "NO.. IT LOOKS LIKE THIS, NOW!" bit that's pissed me off since Windows Phone 7.

On every other windows mobile, I could change EVERYTHING about the homescreen. It let you edit a little XML file, add a background image, then plop icons and textual information, based on the XML and phone's data.
I made a really nice "Greenie at the Wipeboard!" College themed homescreen, with a little fake digital clock to display the number of emails and sms's, and little Wipeboard messages for a todo list.
Fucking fantastic.
My recent app icons sat on a shelf next to a rubber duck, and the usual Start gubbins was down at the bottom.
It was great.
It was literally MY homescreen!!

Now you have to have boxes, or you can fuck off!

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