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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Japan discriminates too?

Sun, 03 May 2009, 14:33
Hmm, before I go off explaining things in a difficult manner, let me just allow you to read the news article:


Now, my complaint is about the way people today treat the Burakumin. I can completely understand people being uneasy about those that work in those fields. They probably should have not been discriminated against for doing those jobs - but hey, all that is history now, nobody can change it. What gets me is that Japanese are choosing to discriminate _today_ over the fact that their ancestors worked in these fields - something people today had no control over. Doesn't that sound just a bit silly to you? Now, with Google posting the historical locations of these places as an overlay to modern maps, they're getting into trouble over it. But if there was no discrimination issues in Japan to begin with, nobody would really care.

The situation there for Google doesn't look good - but if I were them, I'd combat the issue of there being discrimination to begin with.

Vesuvius web game
Mon, 04 May 2009, 15:30
The japanese have always been an elitist-minded group of people. Recently they started paying a bunch of their immigrant workers to leave, and they were only allowed to come to begin with because they were descendants of japanese nationals -- it's near impossible getting a citizenship there if you weren't born into it.

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