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Socoder -> C/C++/C#/Other -> Learn Python First then Learn C++

Thu, 16 Apr 2009, 12:45
I think it is good idea that learn Python first(once you have master them) and then learn C++ as they both are nearly the same as both have pointer, class, inheritance and finally Polymorphism!

Thu, 16 Apr 2009, 14:51
The same could be said for anything, though, really.
And, to be fair, you really need to learn the most basics of basics before heading into any other territories.
At school, I'd have loved to have skipped over the "6-months of Binary" style lessons. But it seems that, nowadays, the folk who are getting that option, are completely missing out on the fundamentals of coding.

Programming logic, and the simple flow of code, should really be something that's obvious.

I recently learned, a few months back, that this isn't always the case. Even to coders who seemed to be coding perfectly well, and appear to be fairly good at what they're doing..

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Thu, 16 Apr 2009, 19:10
I agree with Jay. They are just languages with language features, that's all. For example there is a big assumption that if you know how to define a class and a method then you know object-oriented programming. That's not true at all, it's more of a style about how to design and structure programs rather then then about any language feature.

|edit| I also believe that Python doesn't have pointers, it has object references. They serve a very similar purpose but they do not expose the memory address to the user and so are safer then C/C++ pointers. |edit|
Fri, 17 Apr 2009, 04:42
People have argued for centuries about whether or not it is a good idea to learn C before C++, and I don't know the answer, but I personally think it sounds better to learn C and then C++ as opposed to Python and C++.

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Fri, 17 Apr 2009, 05:04
I'd recommend C++ over C because you'll probably learn better understand of object-orientation, but ideally I'd recommend learning and using both.

However what I think is most important is to learn how those languages are used and how programs in them are usually structured and designed, because you can take that knowledge with you and use it elsewhere. Object-orientation isn't always the best choice, neither is procedural, functional, dynamic or static. Being able to pick from a mixed bag of experience is best.
Fri, 17 Apr 2009, 14:59
I wouldn't reccomend people to learn C. It's old, fairly unnecessary and teaches people who are aiming towards learning C++ bad habits. Any language that you can easily learn is a good starting point (as long as it isn't too unconventional), just to get the fundamentals of programming down. As for myself, I started out with Blitz Basic, and while some people say that it's a bad first language I don't think it is, because it taught me the basics and then it's much easier to grasp other languages. If one is just starting out with programming, I wouldn't really bother with the specific features of the language.

Python would, according to me, be a good choice to start out with, but not necessarily the best. I learned Python just a couple of weeks ago, and it has proven to be useful sometimes, so it's definitely not "wasted time" to know it either. Heck, NASA uses it -- it has to be good
Fri, 17 Apr 2009, 18:24
I learned Perl first.

Yeah, I have no place talking about what you should start with.
Sun, 19 Apr 2009, 14:47
Hey, I started with QBASIC. I have to agree with you guys though, learning any (standard) language will leave you prepared to learn any other language in half the time. The common languages all use the same methodology in getting things done, its usually only a matter of how they go about it, and what syntax & keywords the language has.

On another note, while I have a lot of experience writing code, I don't have much experience reading it. After a bachelors degree in college, I still have to spend hours trying to get a basic grasp on someone else's code, and much longer to figure out how to use it. I'm often times happier writing my own code to do the same task, than to learn from someone elses code.

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