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Socoder -> On Topic -> New ultra-awesome blog!

Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 14:35
Hopeless, ain't I? I haven't given up on my previous 6,073 ideas, they've merely been indefinitely post-poned But this is the 6,074th:


Read it from top to bottom and save me the trouble of summarizing it here

This is partly a personal experiment. I'm going to do everything properly this time: plan, design, document, then program. Not: eat, sleep, abandon current project, start programming the next project which I'm unsure of what it actually is. I haven't done any programming for the past month, and I've been project-less for quite a bit before that. So this is an excellent opportunity to actually do something interesting.

So, how long will this last? Place your bets now! Did I hear one week?

Note: In case anyone wonders, I'm not using SoCoder's blog system because I don't want to pollute the side bars I think you'd grew tired if I kept posting stuff about my project all the time.
Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 14:54
Well someone'd better start using it!!!

Sounds good, but I'm also about 95% sure you started one of these last year, as well!
So, Good luck!!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 15:16
I did? Hm, I probably did. But if I recall correctly, I was only planning to but never got started. My memory might be failing me though.
Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 15:39
Yeah, you started after I complained about the lack of "FFS, Just let me code" C.. And then I started SoC, and that failed, and you started yours..

After a while, we both got annoyed by the insane lack of 2D functionality of a PC (in particular, the annoying lack of LOADS OF TILES!!), and I guess we both kinda gave up on the whole thing..

Aw well!

Better luck this year!

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 25 Jan 2009, 18:24
Bookmarked. I'd like to see this continue and finish. Perhaps next you should start thinking of features and proposed syntax.

|edit| Build your language with debugging in mind (i.e. inbuilt debugging options, tools, assertions, etc). Trust me, you'll need it. |edit|
Wed, 28 Jan 2009, 15:05
I've started thinking of what features I want in, and I've had a surprisingly empty head. While I know what I dislike about the languages I use, it feels like a lot of work to just recreate a language, remove some bits and change the details. Seems like a lot of work for little reward.

But abandoning this hasn't even crossed my mind. Instead, I want to continue thinking, trying to come up with that feature, or that type of programming. And I figure that I could use some suggestions from people over here -- what do you like/dislike about the language(s) you use? What would you like to see? What is the most common thing you keep on writing all the time?

Thu, 29 Jan 2009, 16:07
Also bookmarked. Gonna watch this one.
Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 14:04
How would you people feel about a language which is not entirely text-based? I have something in mind where the different code elements can be tied together with XML behind the scenes. Might extend it beyond that, but there can be quite some interesting ideas implemented if you have some form of an editor to make them feasible.
Fri, 30 Jan 2009, 14:55
That sounds Klik'n'Play
It's a nice idea, but the fact that the output isn't actually code, makes it unwelcome.
What would be better would be Klik'n'Play that does actually output a bog standard language..
But, man, that'd be SO much trickier!

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 09:08
I was still considering it, until I realized that it would mean a lot more work. Don't see why it would be unwelcome, but I'll stay away from it anyway.

In other news, I now have a rough idea of what I want the language to be like. Still have some thinking to do, but at least there's enough petrol in the think-tank (lone and unpaid, but still ).
Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 09:25
I always liked the look of Befunge. I imagine my dialect being like Excel with drop down lists of things to do in each cell, rather then working directly on the stack.

Another none-typical text based language is Piet. It's code is written as abstract art. For example the hello world program is

Phoenix How would you people feel about a language which is not entirely text-based? I have something in mind where the different code elements can be tied together with XML behind the scenes.
I love the idea, but more as the idea of making the source code as an office document rather then essentially a stream of text. For example comments would be embedded objects, you could embed images and make small diagrams in comments and source code, documentation could also be embedded and sections of code could directly link to it.

Essentially a Microsoft Office text editor.
Sat, 31 Jan 2009, 13:40
As I said: while it might be cool, writing would be a lot of work. I've already got enough of that.
Tue, 03 Feb 2009, 12:46
Clicky here cynics, critics and others who are interested!