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Socoder -> Off Topic -> ! Possible Phishing Attemp !

Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 10:36
I just got an email from somebody claiming to be Cahoot Bank Plc. The weird thing is though, I have never had a Cahoot account.

The subject line contains...

Your Cahoot account has been violated!

The message body contains...

Dear Customer
Attention! Your Cahoot account has been violated!
Someone with ip address tried to access
your personal account!

Please click the Button below and enter your account
information to confirm that you are not currently away.
You have 24 hours to confirm account information
or your account will suspend.

To Get Started,Please Click On

This is done for your protection.

Security Advisor
Cahoot Plc.

|edit| By Phoenix: Red doesn't have a very nice contrast with the background in all themes. |edit|
Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 10:42
I just tried pinging the IP address that they say violated the account, and it just replys with Request timed out.

But why would they privide me with the IP address in the first place !

I have also not replied to the email or clicked the link, just incase they manage to harvest my IP address, or plant some kind of scummy virus on my computer.

Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 12:42
Not really weird, just "regular" phishing. I'd just delete it and move on, because there's not much else you can do.
Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 14:19
"Possible" phishing attempt?
I think it's definitely phishing.
I'm with phoenix, just delete and move on.
Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 14:27
I sent a copy to Cahoot, just to let them know so that they can deal with it, although they probably already know about it by now.
Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 14:30
One problem is, they probably fail in catching them anyway. They can't exactly go around, knocking on everyone's door to find out if they got "Phishy Fingers !"
Wed, 17 Dec 2008, 14:52
The thing to do, is to go directly to the bank's website yourself, and if anything needs doing, do it from their homepage.. That way, if it IS the bank trying to get into contact with you, there'll probably be a message once you log into the account itself..

I honestly just delete any and all bank/paypal/whatever account type stuff straight away.. Always safer..

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 18 Dec 2008, 17:34
Yes, much safer that way. I get dozens of phishing emails saying there's something I need to do with PayPal, or ebay, or some random bank I don't belong to. They offer you a link to the site, but its really a link to their own site, a visual copy of the target site, and asking for your account info. Then they'll get whatever other information they can from you while you 'satisfy' the security alert.

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