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Socoder -> Off Topic -> No, use this!!!

Thu, 10 Apr 2008, 15:53
good IDE's will tell you those errors before you hit compile.

That is only a half-truth. At least in the case of C#, and the Visual Studio IDE, you'll only be notified of errors before you hit compile if you've done a very blatant syntax mistake, like forgotten to terminate a statement with ';' or whatever. To the average programmer, this is of no use 95% of the time. Still, in those 5% of the cases where you did do such an error, it can be good to have!

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Thu, 10 Apr 2008, 16:41
NetBeans 6 will point out all compile time errors, and when you change a piece of code it will check everywhere that uses it to see if they will still compile and point it out if they don't.

I find this is useful 100% of the time.
Thu, 10 Apr 2008, 16:56
Which is right?
Which is wrong?

Which is better?
Which is worse?

The previous posts (or maybe they'll pop up after this.. honestly, I don't know.. never moved single posts before, things could go CRAZY!) were moved here because they were completely irrelevant to the question the original post posed.

The question asked was.. "What's wrong with this code?"
The answer given was.. "Other IDEs are better!! Use XYZ language instead!!!"

From now on this topic will be my official dumping ground for posts of this nature, because it's getting silly.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 10 Apr 2008, 18:26
Jayenkai The question asked was.. "What's wrong with this code?"
The answer given was.. "Other IDEs are better!! Use XYZ language instead!!!"

Actually the answer was:
JL235 Good languages will give you all the errors they find, good IDE's will tell you those errors before you hit compile. I dunno if you realise but when Blitz finds an error it'll move the cursor to the line where it finds it. This is a little confusing it's not highlighted or anything, but that is where the error is.

In this case it moves to the line 'EJet.jet = new EJet', which is where the error lies. This is because EJet is the variable whilst jet is the type. 'EJet.jet' is saying that the variable 'EJet' will be used to hold a 'jet'. To then make a new Jet to be held by the variable it's then 'new jet' not 'new EJet'.

The others lines below are also wrong as the same applies to them too.

I hope that helps.
The only line which is off-topic is 'I hope that helps.'

Second: no one suggested to use a different IDE or language. I said that other languages and good IDEs give you more error messages in response to:
Baldwin Unfortunately Blitz seems to only give you one error report at a time,
The original post.

Jay, I think your completely wrong on this and I find this topic a little personal.
Thu, 10 Apr 2008, 19:13
Hence why your original answer stayed there.

But I'm not having every topic on here be another "Use this, use that" language argument.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 06:36
I disagree, actually.

It's a discussion forum, and we don't all think the same things, and that's why we argue. It wouldn't be any fun if we all agreed. Believe it or not, I find "X is better than Y"-topics interesting sometimes.

I do however agree that sometimes these kinds of threads become pointless, after lots of reiterations of old arguments.
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 06:54
It's not so much "what" it was, more "where" it was..

If a new member joins a forum, they'd expect either of two responses..
A) "NEWB!!" <-- but we're not that forum.
B) A bit of help. <-- we ARE that forum.

They don't expect..
C) Reasons not to use Blitz, and why other languages are better.
It's obvious that the guy picked Blitz for a reason. He's still learning this stuff. Give him time, and he'll make his own choice of what language to go for.

''Load, Next List!''
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 07:17
C) Reasons not to use Blitz, and why other languages are better.
It's obvious that the guy picked Blitz for a reason. He's still learning this stuff. Give him time, and he'll make his own choice of what language to go for.

That's what I was telling Yo Wazzup? the other day.

I did however not think about the confused beginners. Many newcomers see that all the pros use C++, and therefore attempt to use it themselves, which I don't think is good. But I still think these topics are needed, though.
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 07:19
Jayenkai C) Reasons not to use Blitz, and why other languages are better.

That's fair enough, except that neither I or Afro told him not to use Blitz.

Instead I encouraged his use of Blitz by answering his problem. I could have not responded, not been active, and then there would be a (tiny) bit less Blitz activity and support in the world. The comments about error messages in other languages and IDE's was also perfectly on topic because it was in response to his post, proven above. Baldwin brought it up, so I replied with my thoughts (a single line). Afro disagrees so he responds. I disagree with Afro so I respond.

I really don't see what the problem is.
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 14:37
Yo! Wazzup?
Now this topic is getting off-topic.

Hi everyone! I'm new to Blitz and only 10 years old so all things coding is gush to me
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 16:29
I really don't see what the problem is.

Second that.

Afr0 Games

Project Dollhouse on Github - Please fork!
Fri, 11 Apr 2008, 18:03
Phoenix Many newcomers see that all the pros use C++, and therefore attempt to use it themselves, which I don't think is good. But I still think these topics are needed, though.

I think it depends entirely on the setting. Most people who try C++ go and get VC++ Express or another big IDE. Ones designed to be used by proffessional developers supporting large teams. They are not designed for beginners and so can make life more difficult. A simple tutorial with say Scite and GCC can be far easier for a new programmer.