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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> C64 Games on Wii

Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:11
Yep. They're doing it. Pretty cool, eh?


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Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:17
C64 was one of the original "consoles" named, right at the start. I'm surprised everyone's really pleased about it, when in all honesty it's taken them sodding ages to get round to it!

And what's this "4700 games catalogue should last for ages" stuff about? The Nes had loads of games, and we've only got about 2% of THOSE so far!

/moan mode.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 15:51
I'm going to patiently wait for a homebrew c64 emulator, it's unlikely that my fav games will end up in the vc.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 16:29
With games at £3.50 a pop, I can't see me getting any. Maybe if they were updated, but not bog-standard C64 fare, no matter how good they were 20 years ago.

Way to rip off your customers some more Nintendo.
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 16:46
power mousey

Wasteland for the C64!

This game is great! and I played it on the C64 and Apple
IIe too. I hope this game is ported over. Its the granddaddy of all post apolcalyptic sci-fi games and especially to Fallout and Fallout 2 and even Fountain of Dreams. Which was EAs' answer and cheap clone to Wasteland.

Now, if this game and also Fallout and Fallout 2 were set in real time for combat rather than turned-based...but with a pause option by pressing the space bar or return key.

Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 17:00
rockford With games at £3.50 a pop, I can't see me getting any. Maybe if they were updated, but not bog-standard C64 fare, no matter how good they were 20 years ago.

Way to rip off your customers some more Nintendo.

That is extracting the bodily fluids... Have Nintendo bought the rights to these games, or are they going to pay the developers their well-deserved royalties ?.

And £3.50 is f***ing steep, most of 8-Bit games were priced for less than that on the shelf.
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 19:05
I remmy when I bought C64 games on Budget for £1.99 or £2.99 in early 90`s
Thu, 21 Feb 2008, 19:39
power mousey

but one of my points
and extending rockfords' point a little and in another manner:

I have so may games. Some good, some below par or bad,
and a few that are fantastic. The majority of them are unfinished.
So I'm started to replay Fallout 2 and from start to finish. The only other game
that I'm going to get and actually a birthday present is Titan Quest.
Any others I'll ask on next Christmas...if any.

I really don't have the budget for any more games. So its freeware and shareware for me.
Budget is spent on Nuclear Basic, XGS 6502, and perhaps BlitzMax. Thats it for me.