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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Some serious health issues...

Tue, 18 Jul 2023, 15:58

Some serious health issues...

Been talking to Jay a bit privately. Have been having some serious health issues for about a month now.

Had a bladder infection, Covid and heart acting up all at once which I didn't think I was going to get through. Got rid of the Covid finally and the bladder infection was cleared up, heart was still acting up and constantly in and out of Afib,

Bladder infection is back, and now prostate is infected as well. Two organs infected at once. Both are extremely painful and having you run to the bathroom every few minutes, of course with the prostate issue it also makes it more difficult to go to the bathroom. Still have the heart issue going on. They are worried about the kidneys getting infected, which if that happens I will have to be hospitalized and put on IV antibiotics.

Really do not feel well, very bad pain and extremely tired. Am on my second course of Cipro (antibiotic that they use for bad stuff like Anthrax) for a month.

Once the infections are gone, I need heart surgery. Pasted from a PM to Jay.

An ablation. Basically they go up inside the heart with a laser scope and use the laser to cut the heart muscle to try and keep the afib from happening.

Basically when you are in afib, your heart is beating super fast. ANd it wipes you out, basically like running as fast as you can but not actually doing anything, just your heart is racing that fast.

Several years back, when I still lived in Maryland, my Mom's afib was so bad, they did a thing where they stopped her heart and restarted it, but the bad thing is they will only try and restart it three times, if it doesn't start on the third time, that is it, You die.

With my luck, much rather the ablation.

Anyway, if I am not around much, that is why. Just really not feeling well and doing things like watering plants or other chores really wipes me out, not to mention once a week now taking Wifey to physical therapy which is now two hours long and sitting in the car in the heat.

If the worst were to happen, Jay is on the short list of people to be notified and he has my permission to let folks here know, publicly.

Got my will done today and later this week, will pay off my only credit card which has like $5,800.00 balance on it, so I will be debt free once again.

Can't say enough, I have never been around a finer bunch of people and after my life collapsed when Carolyn died, I never would have got through it, without the help and support and brotherly love shown by folks here. Especially, Jay who was so supportive when Carolyn almost died from a botched surgery in 2017.

Peace, Love & Light
Tue, 18 Jul 2023, 23:31
we're all thinking of you Kuron, hope everything works out and you have a full recovery.

Check out my excellent homepage!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 00:06
When my mum had these constant infections to her kidneys and bladder. We discovered this stopped when she stopped letting the pets drink from her glasses of milk. The pets would take germs from outside and these got on the glasses afaik. She is very careful with germs now.
She did had one kidney removed before that.

I hope everything wil go well for you Kuron. Stay positive! ❤️
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 11:28
I hope you can get the medical attention you need to fix these issues up properly dude.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 11:52
Thank you guys.

@Pakz No critters eating or drinking from my cups, glasses or plates. When I share food with my cat, Nor, it gets put on his own plate.

Bad news on Wifey front, though. Her physical therapy session got cut short yesterday and she has an appointment today with her Doc. Her left leg is bright red and extra swollen from the foot, to above her knee. They think it may be an infection and want her to get it checked out.

What wifey doesn't know, is I think if it is an infection, they are going to want to hospitalize her and put her on IV antibiotics, which she is not going to like. Wifey has diabetes and Lymphedema in both legs, so anything going on with her legs can be super serious. Have about three and a half hours before her appointment. She is sleeping, I am worrying.
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 12:41
Another million dollar's worth of medical bills. Shockingly bad.

Hope everything goes ok for you, both.

''Load, Next List!''
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 17:41
wow you don't get a break... Sometimes life is very hard, wishing you both a speedy recovery.
Wed, 19 Jul 2023, 22:08
Just got home from the ER with wifey. Get this, the Dr appointment she had today, they REFUSED to see her, because they refused to have somebody come out with a wheelchair and push her into the office. Seriously, somebody who can barely walk without risk of falling down? I have two torn rotator cuffs, I can't push a wheelchair.

Took wifey to the ER, good thing we did. Quack doc had been prescribing too high of a level of Potassium, which was putting wifey at risk. They wanted to admit wifey over night just because her potassium level was too high. Wifey refused.

Anyway, the serious issue was wifey's leg is infected. Her foot is red as a cooked lobster and it goes up to above her knee. She has a bad case of cellulitis. They gave her some fluids and gave her an IV bag of heavy duty antibiotics. Finally discharged her a little while ago and gave her two prescriptions for heavy duty antibiotics.

Now all the times she fell and HURT herself, especially her legs, except the one time she fell and smashed her face into the kitchen cabinet, were likely due to her potassium level being too high.

Seriously, WTF!

Anyway, wifey is home and resting. Tomorrow have to try and get her prescriptions filled.

Thank you, everybody. I truly appreciate the support.
Thu, 20 Jul 2023, 21:21
Officially debt-free as of Today! WooHoo!!
Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 22:31
Wifey's leg infection is better, as is my prostate/bladder infection. Still have a good ways to go, but are both seeing some relief.

Meanwhile, my Father now has prostate cancer.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 04:11
That is bad news again. I hope everything turns out well.
Mon, 24 Jul 2023, 08:02
Hate being unwell, whenever I tell the quacks about the fatigue and pain, including the constant pain in my head, I may as well be talking to a brick wall. At the moment I'm going through a regular phase of feeling like I've spent some quality time in Chernobyl, this really fuckin' sucks!

I hope you and your peeps get more luck.