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Socoder -> Misc Gaming -> to agent smith and others..my plan with the Hydra

Tue, 28 Nov 2006, 08:50
power mousey

hi everybody

Yes, agent smith. You're right. Sometimes I'm fickle on certain things and also sometimes I can be hard to please. But other times, I'm easy to medium to please.

In the case of Cobra...I just got tired of the long wait and well over for 2 years. And all the runarounds and bs and hush,hush silence and can't really discuss anything explanations and all that...including all those 'soons' and 'very soons'. And also promised dates and time frames for the Cobra release...but never materialized.
But hey, I'm willing to try out a demo or even beta form of Cobra. Yet, Mister Cobra creator is debating and deciding wheteher to release a demo of some kind this month or just wait until its Vista compatible. Here we go again!
sheesh!!!...just release something, please.

With the Hydra computer/console...its a little different:

I really like both the Hydra computer and the propeller chip. I like and want to learn some of the hardware and operation of the console and a little of the innards of the propeller chip and how it operates. I also want to learn about and apply both multiprocessing and parallel programming with game and application programming and on the Hydra.
Some of the things I don't like are:

(1) the language of Spin itself. And also it being touted and presented as an easy to learn High level language. The language is ugly and is very difficult. I'm not going to bother with it.
(2)the whole Game Development Kit being presented and advertised as an easy introduction into game programming.
Currently, the way it is set up is from easy of loading and running some games and as well as the Hydra Tiny Basic to code in. And then the very steep curve of learning and applying both Spin and the asm.
Granted that people learn and apply at different rates. I think some people are going to frustrated and upset with this and frankly turned off. How about a set up of building block approach of--> easy: loading and running some games,
learning and coding in Hydra Tiny Basic, to medium of the advance Hydra Basic and even Hydra Forth, and then to extra medium of a Hydra C and/or inline asembly capability in the advanced Hydra Basic and even in the Hydra C. And then eventually getting into and coding with both Spin and asm.
Rather than being encouraged and advised that both Spin and asm are the way to go from Andre to my question and curiosity of when this advanced Hydra Basic is going to come out.
(3)the fact that he has told and even revealed to others first that both a Hydra Forth is done and an advanced Hydra game Basic is in the works...rather than sharing with his group,members and users over at his site of Xgamestation.
Makes me feel left out and out in the cold. And also makes me wonder what other information and stuff he has not told us or is withholding from us...who are past and previous customers and also potential customers as well too!

So this is my plan everybody and that its my decision and choice:

I'm still going to get the Hydra console...the cpmplete Game Development kit. However, I will wait until this advanced Game Hydra Basic is available.
Also I will not bother with Spin...but go head on with Hydra Tiny Basic, then the advanced Hydra Game Basic, and then onward to Hydra Forth and hopefully a Hydra C is available as well.

In the meantime, I will keep reading and studying the Hydra book. Especially on some of the hardware operation of the Hydra and the computer architecture of the propeller chip itslef.
Also, I will keep learning and coding 3d graphics and animations and with both Blitz 3d and Dark Basic too. I have plenty of tools and media resources as well.

I'm sorry and I apologize for being and allowing myself to be so hyped up and influenced about the Hydra. It took me awhile...about 3 weeks to calm down and return to reality and to think and reason out some things and issues of price,affordability, the over-all package and set up, etc.
Again, I still like the Hydra..but there are some things that I don't like about it or that it needs to be modified and improved or even added on.
When I do eventually get it and hopefilly with both the Hydra Tiny Basic and the advance Hydra basic....I will talk and discuss more about both the Hydra computer and the Parallax propeller chip.

power mousey

Tue, 28 Nov 2006, 13:01
you did get too caught up with it. you became very annoying

and cobra does not look like it will be worth the wait and money, but ion for sure will be

also i curse you for using Dark Basic, the crappy syntax, object management, bad IDE(that is stuck in fullscreen mode), bad tutorials, etc.

i like green haired girls...
Tue, 28 Nov 2006, 13:28
also i curse you

Wow. Hyrule the stressed voodoo witch doctor!

Well, personally I've been very interested, at least. Thank you mousey.

blog | work | code | more code
Tue, 28 Nov 2006, 18:38
"also i curse you for using Dark Basic, the crappy syntax, object management, bad IDE(that is stuck in fullscreen mode), bad tutorials, etc."

Does that include DB-Pro ?...

|edit| I own a legit copy of both DB and DB Pro, but not got around to learning them yet. I'm still addicted to Blitz3D. |edit|

|edit| P.S... The Hydra still sounds like a fun hack though ! |edit|
Wed, 29 Nov 2006, 08:55
power mousey

yeah hyrule,

I did get very annoying. I'm sorry. I just got so...so um Hydranated. I know you were very excited, happy and even enthusiastic with the Nintendo Wii but you were not annoying. I can learn or even re-learn something with this.


yes hyrule is some kind of serious shaman..placing a curse on me for using Dark Basic. May the Babylon Basic of the Dark be my Rosetta Stone for a simplistic but esoteric intoduction into 3d graphics and animation. Curse or no curse.
and, you're welcome. no doubt when I do get my Hydra I will keep you updated and share with you more about it. I was just overly obssessed and stressed with it...now I'm calming down and returning back down and landing on planet earth again.


I don't if the hyrule shaman including his curse on DBPRO too. If he did, its working cause DBPRO doesn't recognize the hardware of my monitor..KDS USA monitor. Yet, both Dark Basic and Blitz3d work fine with this monitor.
Yes, the Hydra does sound like and is going to be fun hack....however, since I'm a novice I'm going to take it slow and with a 'step by step' and building block approach of: going easy level with the Hydra Tiny Basic, and then intermediate levels of both the advanced Hydra Basic, Hydra Forth and hopefully some kind of a Hydra C, and finally to the hard and difficult levels of both the Spin and assembly languages.

and everybody,

my family has already ordered the Hydra for me. And yes they understand that I have been caught up with it and obssesed with it...and sometimes annoying too. And that I'm coming back from the 25th century but without Buck Rogers nor Twinkie the robot.
Also, I'm going to get a laptop from them and also pay into it...probably pay for the warranty/extended warranty...
for next year and on my birthday too. yay!! yahoo and google and googa too.

power mousey

Wed, 29 Nov 2006, 12:56
@ Mousey... I did'nt find it annoying about the Hydra, I can tell you are just excited about the possibilities that can be incarnated from it. You should hear me sometimes when I annoy my mates about my other hobby (Radio controlled model planes). I would recommend that aswell to any one who likes a good hack once in a while, as it is serious fun.
Wed, 29 Nov 2006, 14:58
power mousey

hmmmm....Radio controlled model planes. Does that include the latest Stealth fighter jets and bombers?
well hey....it sure beats those Cox flying plane models, when I was a little kid. My older brother would gas up the engine of the plane model and start the engine....while I was in the center circle with the string wires and controller handle attached to the toy plane.

are you into or interested in those bots and also built bot kits as well?

power mousey

Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 01:18
are you into or interested in those bots and also built bot kits as well?

Do you mean stuff like on that TV show Robot Wars ?. Iv'e not tried that yet, but it sure looks like fun.
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 11:28
power mousey

yes....about those bots.
or even browse the parallax.com site
or even your local bookstore and in the electronics section.

how about we and some of the others get together and fashion a Transformer??

by the way, I have cursed the hyrule curse...so, the monitor that I have works with DBPRO now. Its a whole lot better than the Babylon Basic of the Dark One. I just updated my SiS 650 video/graphic drivers.

power mousey
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 15:25
@ Mousey...
how about we and some of the others get together and fashion a Transformer??

We could design one that turns into a mouse !... "Transformers... Mouses in disguise...".. LOL
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 15:28
What a computer mouse?
A real working one?

Maybe make it wireless, and then you can just sit transforming it when you're waiting for a slow download, or something, rather than playing the "Click the desktop icons for no apparent reason" game.

''Load, Next List!''
Thu, 30 Nov 2006, 15:41
power mousey

ha ha

squeakers...not Sneakers.

power mousey