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SoCoder -> Blogs Home -> Blogs

Created : 22 March 2021
Edited : 25 March 2021

Plus shape Tileset system(pixelart)

In one of the pixel art books I have there is a page showing a method on how to order tiles so they wil placeable in a map and fit together. I have not tested the tiles I drawn here though so I might need to modify later on.

I had looked up various screenshots of dungeon tilesets and tried to recreate my own variant of these. The ones here that I did are 16 by 16 in size and use the aap-64 palette. There are only a couple of colors per tileset used though. I spent less than 4 hours today on creating these.

I'm stil testdriving the pixel app "pixaki" as I want to be sure I wil use it a lot as it costs a pretty penny.

Anyways, I have several tilesets now (more!) that I could use for quick game mockups.

btw - Aseprite wil get a update in the near future. It should have the long awaited tile editing features. There is a video on youtube by AdamCYounis showing the beta with these features.

Edit : Here the grids over the tiles.



Monday, 22 March 2021, 18:05
Cool style. Certainly a lot less complicated than the crazy method I've previously tried!!
Tuesday, 23 March 2021, 04:40
Lovely! Reminds me I need to make that procedural dungeon crawler sometime soon
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 09:26
Where would the tile grid lines fall on those images? would the corner pieces be duplicates in that arrangement (trying to see where the slices are)?
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 10:03
I uploaded a image showing how the grids are placed. They are 5 by 5. Edit:reupload
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 10:06
Thanks Pakz
Thursday, 25 March 2021, 10:07
I reuploaded as the aseprite one was not correct I think.