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Socoder -> Blitz -> Punctuation Issue

Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 14:41

Syntax Error

I have not use BB in a while and so I am rusty at this however, this code gives me an odd error when I un comment the While Wend statement to use the BB=BB+1 variable. Yes I do remove the extra wend but the problem is that the program will not stop to print the F1 and the total of BB at the PRINT F1: PRINT BB:Waitkey:End. The program throws the Graphics window up for a moment and then immediately closes.
Blitz is not installed, it's running in a folder, if that makes a difference.
Is there some limit on the length of a text file that causes this? The text file in question is 4.41MB in length. I don't know how to upload that as well.

Fri, 13 Dec 2024, 16:08
Chop it up into 1-command-per-line, and that should help you to track down the bug a bit better. Though Blitz is happy to do multi-command "horizontal scroll" lines, it does make things harder to debug, because you might have any number of issues on the same line.

If I were a betting man, it'd likely be the fact that you've used the Wend command without a breaking colon..
That is, it's reading the line"BB=BB+1 Wend"
When it should be reading "BB=BB+1" and then "Wend"

If you read it aloud or in your head, you'll be reading "one wend", when you want to be reading it as "one.. .. wend"

''Load, Next List!''
Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 13:37

Still get the same response

Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 13:44
There has to be something I'm doing incorrectly It worked fine then the next day it stopped. Same code

Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 13:50

This works. Is there something reserved in Blitz for the variable BB?

Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 14:02
I think it has something to do with Blitz itself.
The software use the INCLUDE directive to load external code and somewhere inside Blitz the software is trying to interpret that as a reference to external source code to load.
It might be a bug.

*** No, it still does not run right. I'll download another copy of Blitz and overwrite the application.

Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 15:18

This runs fine ? At least on my PC, with a bit smaller Text file (7kb ish)
well it does not print out the F1 nor Print BB because the line is commented out ...
Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 15:28
Interresting ... this code works ...

It is amazing ... i have removed every : from your code and the code still works ...

(now as one liner ... )
Sat, 14 Dec 2024, 15:38
That's cool!
I knew Blitz wasn't too stringent on punctuation, but.. Crikey, that much!?!
Not sure I can get that to work in JSE

''Load, Next List!''
Sun, 15 Dec 2024, 17:33
What version if Blitz are you using and are you running it under windows 10?
My version started asking for Directplay after I downloaded a fresh version from this site but the software will not download Directplay.

Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 12:09
After viewing the archives I'm going to try Alien Death-match to fix the incompatibility. If it can.

Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 13:12
I'm running the version 1.108 under window 10 pro

The directplay is an legacy feature of windows 10. It can be enabled and windows will install it for you.

See this thread on syntaxbomb
Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 13:24
That's what I'm running BB in windows 10.
Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 14:41
You know earlier when you suggested that it might be that "BB" might be a reserved variable.
.. Did you TRY not using BB as a variable?

''Load, Next List!''
Mon, 16 Dec 2024, 14:57
Yes I did.
In four spots within the code.

*** I re-downloaded BB3d and windows 10 now tells me that there's something viral within the archive.
A false positive at least.
Might also help if I installed the software proper instead of using it from the zip archive.

Tue, 17 Dec 2024, 18:47

When you wrote with a much smaller text file, i'm thinking that is the problem. I corrected the DirectPlay issue but now it's gone back to not stopping even with the waitkey in the line
Is there a limit to the size of the text file? My original is 4.41 MB

Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 05:56

With this code i have a functioning text viewer which displays my test text file, which is 6.80 MB

( For the test file: I wrote some text into my notepad (crimson editor) and copied it, pasted, selected all, copied again over and over until it got up to >4mb)

I have uploaded a compiled exe.
(ran it through VirusTotal first which displays this: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/aa4ba39014c6ad1da4c79a2fbaebfa9f2279b3ef6da76647653df46518097746 )

You can download the file here, if you want to test it (including the 6mb test file):


The link expires in 3 days.

The CRC value of the R.7z is SHA256: cd938fdc34228330eaf9bed972a9f591ff91fd7594d08863d8ea9c3af0c2c1c6
Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 11:56
I'll download the file but in case there's some nuance with BB3D, with what I am doing, I'm going to use a fresh download of BB2D.
I understand tht 3D is a superset of 2D but If the results are the same then i'll open the r file.

Wed, 18 Dec 2024, 17:20
I think I'm stressed out. The problem was that I did not Dimension the Array large enough.
If you dimension 100 and read more than that there are issues.

Thu, 19 Dec 2024, 01:41

Happened to me yesterday as well ...
Mon, 06 Jan 2025, 12:07
There was another problem as well. I had to install BB.
Using the zip file to run BB in windows 10 does others things incorrectly.
The While Wend statement is one of them on my system.
