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4th June 2009

Microsoft's new search engine


Flash ActionScript > C#

3rd June 2009

I think you're right about it converting data formats. I'm guessing all of these things are some kinds of commands passed in as a byte array, and then it converts that array into a single unsigned integer, and then compares that to all of the IFFChunkID's *snip*


Another Brawl

3rd June 2009

I decided to start working on a super-smash brothers type game recently, just for fun. I realized that I hadn't really done any game programming in a while, but every time i learn a new coding concept, or graphical/colorspace/visual concept, I think of how*snip*


QOTD : What're you working on?

3rd June 2009

I'm making a blog/showcase site for myself right now, and casually working on a fighting game similar to super smash brothers in b3d.
Mainly though, I'm working on my classes, and an "automated underwater vehicle" robot for the AUVSI competition at my uni*snip*


You know you're a geek when...

25th May 2009

...you appreciate numbers like 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21,...
...you can explain the difference between lasers and phasers


50 Free Rusted Metal Textures

22nd May 2009

Title says it all



16th May 2009

computational knowledge engine


QOTD: Who will win?

16th May 2009

What's this about?


QOTD : Future Plans?

14th May 2009

Currently majoring in computer science, but I'll probably be throwing on a second major in computer engineering (which gives me some electrical/circuitry/possibly radio if i have anything to say about it experience). I've also been participating at the rob*snip*


QOTD : .com.. Bothered?

12th May 2009

I use .net -- I like that domain, it always seemed to me to be the more techy one, less corporate stiflement. I don't think it matters to most coders, but it's nice to have both for publicity reasons, getting people to the site, etc.


QOTD : Enhance ''Tron''

8th May 2009

I played an awesome lightcycle game that you could do online with up to like 16 players... i can't remember what it was called though.. i think it started with an A, like Azera or something... I'll try and find it and report back.


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

6th May 2009

Good to hear from you erbby! Congratulations on your placement -- I think a lot of us are moving through the college stage right now; I'm about to begin my second year, and I know there are others here in the same spot, with a year or two of deviation.


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

5th May 2009

Oh, great idea, get out your throwback avatars!
(Image.gif) (Image.jpg) (Image.jpg) (Image.png) (Image.jpg) (Image.gif) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.png) (Image.jpg)
From oldest to newest -->


Japan discriminates too?

4th May 2009

The japanese have always been an elitist-minded group of people. Recently they started paying a bunch of their immigrant workers to leave, and they were only allowed to come to begin with because they were descendants of japanese nationals -- it's near imp*snip*


Cross-Genre games

3rd May 2009

I always liked the idea of an FPS MMORPG -- I think they're working on one right now, though. The concept of having a battle between thousands of online players seems awesome to me. Especially since it would require people to use traditional tactics so tha*snip*


QOTD : Blitzcoder Memories

1st May 2009

Thanks Krylar!
BC was the first forum for me as well, and what inspired me to be where I am today as far as programming goes. I have a lot to owe to that website, and I'm happy we can all still be here today :). Ah... those days when I was RadiumGames... *snip*


Intuit GPS App Dev Contest

29th April 2009

"Intuit New Application Contest from Intuit for Developers"
Basically, make a mobile phone app that uses GPS coordinates and works with the Intuit Workplace platform, and you can win up to $7,000.


is pong un-cool

29th April 2009

Pong is ALWAYS cool. no doubt about it.


SpeedTest : Cubes go round!

23rd April 2009

Core 2 Duo 2.5ghz + nVidia Quadro FX 570M + 3 GB RAM -> 21800


#198 - The Pro Challenge

22nd April 2009

So, that means we're supposed to release it with in incomprehensible number of bugs that makes the audience go "wow, why did the marketing people drive the programmers to release this beta build as the final product when it obviously is in no way shape or *snip*


Best Practice

19th April 2009

part of the problem was that I needed to map *possibly* multiple values from a single object to multiple other fields, in a one-to-one translation. I ended up going with a type of binder implementation, which is requireing me to extend a base class several*snip*


Best Practice

19th April 2009

Another method I just thought of would be having a TransitionClassBinder, which would map values of a specified class to TransitionClass's, pushing it from ClassA to the TransitionClass, but then i would need to extend the TransitionClassBuilder for every *snip*


Best Practice

19th April 2009

*Disclaimer: This is in the C section, but is open to best practice advice in any Object Oriented Language
I have a class that works as an intermediary between two other classes, passing a value from one into the other.
ClassA =pull> TransitionClass =pus*snip*


Font and resolution issues

15th April 2009

RE: Problem 1:
The reason for this difference in appearance is that Photoshop will anti-alias the fonts, whereas blitz does not. Zoom in really close on both those pictures in paint and you'll see what I'm talking about, notice the Photoshop version will *snip*


Happy Easter

12th April 2009

I ate a lot of lamb today, and it was delicious.

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