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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Aminal Xing Knew Leef

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 12:10

Not sure who left these.. No idea.. They didn't even say who, on the billboard... Hmm...
If it was you, thanks

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Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 12:41
It was me

Hope they come in handy.

In other news - I've got a Cafe!!!!
Thu, 11 Jul 2013, 13:44
You jammy git!!
I've just finished off paying for Dream Suite, so will be having a nosey at that, in the morning, and selecting my next project..

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Fri, 12 Jul 2013, 14:25
In other news...

I FINALLY found the piece of AC music (via YouTube) I've been whistling for the last 10 years after hearing it on a video - KK Samba.

YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!! Happy bunny mode.
Fri, 12 Jul 2013, 15:28
Fri, 12 Jul 2013, 17:36
Another late night journey into empty-Ville..
My Dream Suite is open. Plattown's Dream is at 7400-2319-6453
But...otherwise it's all a bit quiet.
As a result, I'm doing the inevitable thing of jumping ahead 12 hours..
Plattown will be 12 hours ahead, until I can be bothered to change the town into a night-owl town.

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Sat, 13 Jul 2013, 02:32
Paradise's Dream Suite code is - 6700-2299-3691

My land is devoid of trees at the moment (I've chopped them all down pretty much). The tarantula and scorpion hunt can now start in earnest without too much other bug interference. I'll replant them later.

There's not a great deal to do before evening nowadays, other than fossil hunting, watering and weeding. Visiting the island before 7:00pm is good for fish only - after you can get good bugs as well.
Sat, 13 Jul 2013, 17:42
I made myself an official Mayoral Uniform, today.

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 05:16
Make it so!
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 11:03
Discovery.. A day begins at 6am! Discovered as, midwander, my town suddenly stopped, said good morning, saved, and promptly started the day anew..

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Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 15:01
It's always been like that AFAIR.

It's great, because when I work Early shifts, I get up at 5:45am and by the time I've got a cuppa I can make a start finding the fossils and water the plants etc.
Sun, 14 Jul 2013, 16:34
Never played it that early, if I'm honest! Putting the game exactly 12 hours ahead has made for some odd scheduling!!

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Mon, 15 Jul 2013, 04:28
I've now got a police station (or I will tomorrow). Be interesting to see if this one differs from the last couple of games.

Time travel does certainly have advantages with regards to collecting bugs and fish, however I often found that shops would be shut when I needed them or events would get missed etc. so I basically stick to real time now.
Mon, 15 Jul 2013, 05:11
Ooooh, Police Station!!!
Haven't seen that since the GameCube.
Wonder if it still has the Lost & Found area?

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Mon, 15 Jul 2013, 13:04
I'll let you find out about the Police station yourself

I forgot to mention that I got the silver slingshot yesterday. Doesn't actually seem any better than the regular one so far.
Mon, 15 Jul 2013, 14:21
Just got a letter and a present from Nintendo, but better than that...

I got the little bastard!!!

Five minutes later I was assaulted by a tarantula. Two mins after that a tarantula committed suicide, then 2 minutes later a scorpion did the same!!!

I haven't seen any tarantulas for two weeks then I get two almost at once. I'm going to keep playing methinks! Jumped again! Fecker! Getting rid of all my trees has definitely had the desired effect

BTW scorpions are FUCKING EVIL!!!! Just go into your museum and view it. Little bastard!!

Wed, 17 Jul 2013, 09:02
Jay; I got a duplicate silver slingshot (which I gave to my son) and then a gold one, so if you want the no longer needed silver one I've dropped it outside my station. I've dropped a load of Fortune Cookie duplicates there too - help yourself.

Don't forget you can come and have a coffee in my land now and visit the (empty) police station.

There might even be some silver tools in the upstairs of my museum to purchase (net & rod). I haven't checked today, but that's where you get them.

I'll leave my gate open for a couple of hours.
Wed, 17 Jul 2013, 11:13
Sorry, missed my chance, I think.. I tried logging in at 5:30, but it came up empty.
No matter, there's loads of time in the future!

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Wed, 17 Jul 2013, 12:41
I think my gate must have closed when I went to the island. I opened it when I got back though. After a brief spell on the StreetPass games it's open again now.
Wed, 17 Jul 2013, 13:29
Sorry.. Am now in the middle of reorganising my bedroom!.. Which has been an ongoing project for most of the month..

I turned my PC on, today!! Oooooh!!!

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Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 14:10
I've got a new job in AC, which is quite fun -

Still not got my tarantula - they either disappear into the scenery or jump into the nearest body of water.

Jay, I've still got several silver tools outside my station and loads of cookie prizes if you want them.

I'll probably leave my gate open from about 9:00am tomorrow for anyone that wants them. Come for a coffee

BTW That's Phinneas (the badge dude) on the left and the ugly smudge on the right is Camofrog.
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 14:14
Yet again, I've missed a Saturday night, so no KKCD for me, again, this week!!

Less sleep, more fishing!!

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Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 14:24
I've opened my station gate for an hour now if anyone wants to visit.
Sun, 21 Jul 2013, 15:05
Sorry, just noticed that,having closed up for the night! D'oh!

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Sun, 28 Jul 2013, 03:47
Forgot to say, I finally got a tarantula!
Sun, 28 Jul 2013, 09:43
I haven't purposely been neglecting my town, but.. .. I have an alarmingly full schedule for someone who does nothing but sit around the house all day!!!

I got my 2nd track from KK, last night, and am halfway through paying for a coffee house.. Ugh... So many chores!!!

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