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Microsoft's new Logo

24th August 2012

Whilst it doesn't blow me away, I like it, and I like that Microsoft's designs are more colourful than those of other companies.
Certainly looks better than the Windows 8 logo.


Original vs Remake

24th August 2012

Does any one know when the Total Recall remake is out? It's in two weeks. Two weeks. Two weeeeeeeks,.. twooooo ... weeeeee ... agghhghghglgl ....


Dr DDs Scholarship

16th August 2012

not too long ago, I finally heard back from Birmingham. I not only have a PHD placement, but a scholarship too, for the whole 4 years! \\o/


A Level results 2012

16th August 2012

Bloody hell, Oxford, congratulations! I presume that is doing CS?



27th July 2012

It's research into a touch based visual programming language.


Rar vs Zip

27th July 2012

Zip is also slightly faster, which is essentially why rar compresses to a higher standard (it does more work to get there).
Personally I just use zip, because I don't really care about the extra few kb's. However it's worth it for large files if you are a*snip*



26th July 2012

Phd offer has come through, along with a scholarship, woot!


Time in Java

15th July 2012

So you just want to sleep for half a second? You can use the sleep method in the Thread class to sleep the current thread.
try {
Thread.sleep( 500 );
} catch ( InterruptedException ex ) {
// sleep failed, but do nothing


Spinal vs PHP

12th July 2012

Could it be an issue with file permissions? My brother often gets those on Mac OS with PHP.


PHP Error

7th July 2012

Better error reporting in PHP


Popularity Rocks

6th July 2012

I've decided I'll release my PHP framework like this. Break it into stand alone sections, which are built to be re-usable, and make them into a full project in their own right.
Them my framework can be core + all these projects!


Popularity Rocks

5th July 2012

Yup, and I suspect it was last monday too, as I got more views than today.


Popularity Rocks

5th July 2012

if you explore the PHP section of GitHub today, you should see that my error project is the second most watched project this month and week \\o/


Jay's Crappy June

2nd July 2012

Good with your MRI scan, hopefully it'll help to start bring some medical closure on what you're going through.


PHP Alternatives

30th June 2012

I'm moving back to Java.
There are a lot of reasons why. First I know Java inside out, even down to the order in which things happen class loading occurs, and internal details you can use to do tricks.
I also miss the static completion you get in NetBean*snip*


Git GUI push

30th June 2012

Even though it's GC'd, you still have the expense of creating and cleaning up objects. That can also result in pauses.


Git GUI push

28th June 2012

You have lots of changes in one commit, he is talking about being able to localise changes all the way down to half lines.
Also is it really sensible to be creating a new color of 0,0,0,0 for each row? Make it once.


Git GUI push

27th June 2012

That's not the fine grained commits Cower is talking about.


Git GUI push

27th June 2012

Only one of those commits is cut off for the web and github terminal for me, and only by around 5 or 6 characters.
Tbh I think your just nitpicking.


Git GUI push

26th June 2012

What are your problems with my commits?


Git GUI push

25th June 2012

Heh, I don't think my commit messages are that bad. I've seen a lot worse.
I'd be interested in knowing what Cower thinks is wrong with my commits?


Git GUI push

25th June 2012

For the day to day cruft, I don't see why you wouldn't use a GUI. Most of the time it's just pulling, committing, and pushing. Ok there are other things too, but you can just reach for the command line when you'd want to use them.
GitHub for Windows is so*snip*


Why Python?

20th June 2012

Then there you go, a lot more programmers will already know Python or something similar.


Why Python?

19th June 2012

I expect it's to avoid having to teach a whole new paradigm of programming. If this is aimed at people who can already program, then learning Python won't be difficult, and so most of the time can be spent on the AI.
Prolog can be *very* challenging for e*snip*


Why Python?

18th June 2012

According to Wikipedia, Python was created as a successor to ABC, for the Amoeba OS. It was an OS that could allow a whole network of machines look like a single PC.
It's main success is through open source, where it's been used for a range of GPL applica*snip*

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