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Las Vegas Shooting

4th October 2017

Enough said...


Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

4th October 2017

Back in the day if you had an ingrown toenail, they'd saw your foot off.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

3rd October 2017

Yeah it already does. But it'll need tweaking later once there's something like a proper game there.


News is Depressing

3rd October 2017

Every time you switch the telly on... Brexit, Brexit, fucking Brexit. Make it stop. :/



3rd October 2017

That's odd... Win10 Home here and it's right there on the Start menu.
[edit] Apparently you're not alone: (Linkage)



3rd October 2017

Does, but it's extremely basic. Hit Start, type ''Mail''.


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

3rd October 2017

Lil update - I am absolute dogshit at modelling people, so opted to buy in a soldier model. I can fanny on with the textures etc to make more soldiers from this base version.
He's running about like a good 'un! Was pretty easy in Unity to get se*snip*


Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

3rd October 2017

Sedation is sort of prerequisite for surgery, isn't it?
It's not like it's an optional extra.


Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

3rd October 2017

do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do i*snip*


Memories of : Rook Zimbabwe

3rd October 2017

Oh yeah that's right... seem to recall he's no longer with us either?


Memories of : Rook Zimbabwe

3rd October 2017

Ah, was he the one with the submarine game that was taking about 10 years?


The GoldNES

3rd October 2017

€10,000, *PLUS* €60 shipping costs?
The cheeky bastard!!


Memories of : Rook Zimbabwe

3rd October 2017

Not a name I'm familiar with, but, way too young. :/



3rd October 2017

The ’’True Christmas’’ channel has appeared on Sky. IT'S OCTOBER FOR FUCKS SAKE!!


Las Vegas Shooting

3rd October 2017

Jesus... what a loser. All muscles and no balls.


RIP - Tom Petty

2nd October 2017

fucksocks. :/


RIP - Tom Petty

2nd October 2017

Sky News reporting he's had a heart attack, but isn't dead?
BBC News


Blitz3D CD?

2nd October 2017

No worries.


Las Vegas Shooting

2nd October 2017

They've only just shown on UK news (Sky News) that he actually fired at least three times of 50-60 rounds each. Up til just now I thought it was just once. They just interviewed one woman who said there was a woman pushing her way through the crowd, *snip*


Blitz3D CD?

2nd October 2017

This should have everything in it. (Linkage)
Note: all the graphics etc (the .bin files) just have some basic encryption (just a simple XOR or something IIRC). Encrypter/decrypter included. The same code will be in the source code somewhere but I guess*snip*


Only Fools And Horses

2nd October 2017

Frog's Legacy! One of the best episodes ever.


Blitz3D CD?

2nd October 2017

Oh, I can do that. Can't give the full code as I don't legally own it but this is the code that was included with BlitzBasic.
If you need all the graphics etc that could take me longer to sort out. Oh and bear in mind this was writt*snip*


Blitz3D CD?

2nd October 2017

Mine too. Gave it away years ago. :/


Kuron's Insurance Bollocks

2nd October 2017

I'm not normally one for preaching (or practising) common sense, but, probably don't want to end up in prison on top of everything else.
Don't let the fuckers grind you down.


Window pain

2nd October 2017

Makes you wonder if they build this shit into the firmware deliberately to encourage people to buy a new drive that they don't really need. I'm convinced they do it with mobile phones so why not SSDs as well?

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