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Socoder -> Nintendo Gaming -> Buy Zelda

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Mon, 01 May 2017, 15:40
Would that be the ship-shaped building, in the bottom right paradise beach village thingy place?
I tried using a balloon to float the rock up, but that was even more of a trial and error..

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Tue, 02 May 2017, 09:40
No, it was up in the top left of the map, where it's all cold and icy. I never thought of using a balloon. D'oh!!!! It's definitely designed for stasis (it even gives you a nice spot to tee off), but a balloon might just be my answer, seeing as I'm crap at Zelda golf.

Thu, 04 May 2017, 11:33
I need to practice fighting guardians. Tired of running away when i hear that blankety-blank theme tune.

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Thu, 04 May 2017, 11:41
The big outdoor guardians are a bitch. I think I've killed one, so far, and that was a struggle.

The indoor shrine ones are easier, but be sure to stock up on Attack or Defense meals before you do.

I'm sure it's possible to beat them without freaking out and button mashing them to death, but I haven't got there, yet!!


Made my way to Goron City, today, and have been checking everyone I find, incase they're the "son" Goron! So far, no luck.
If I sport him, I'll let you know where it was.

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Thu, 04 May 2017, 12:13
Once you get the feel for them, Guardians are quite easy. I bested three in a row a week or so ago.

The trick with the open-air ones is to keep moving backwards (but make sure there actually IS a backwards to move in to! ) with your shield out and ensure you're target locking th Guardian. If you have a Guardian shield you don't have any worries about the next bit.

In Shrine Guardians are piss easy and you do the opposite - just get in close and jump around, whacking them and don't worry about using a shield until their final attacks (only moderate and major Guardians). Actually, use a shield as soon as they appear as the often fire a salvo of cheap shots at you, after that, put it away.

The best way of beating normal Guardians is to use a shield to deflect their lasers. The problem is if you are too early or too late deflecting you either lose your shield or get burned to a crisp and end up rag-doll rolling for an hour or two. If you are lucky enough to survive.

When facing Guardians, always equip a pot lid or something crap, rather than a good shield, as you can lose these too quickly if you don't deflect correctly (unless it's a Guardian shield).

Now there are TWO indicators as to when to hit the parry/deflect button - Wait for their light suck move to create that ball of energy that they are going to spit at you AND listen for a distinct sound. Just as they fire they make a click sound unlike anything else. At this point hit the parry button. You know if you've got it right as time will slow into a bullet-time like phase.

With the Guardian shield you don't have to parry - the laser beam is auto-deflected back at thr Guardian. Be aware though that they are fragile and will only take a couple of hits. Some Guardians are real bastards and will fire a number of lasers at you in quick succession.

If you are really bad at doing this, or have low health or only a few hearts, then find a Great Fairy "fountains" and creep up on the little pink fairies that fly around - you can only capture four at most. If you have any in your inventory you will see fewer at the Fairy fountains. Basically these prevent you from dying and give you back a few hearts. make sure you stock up on cooked meals too to restock your hearts.

Good luck

Now if only those fucking Lynels were as easy. I've only killed two (one is a quest you HAVE to do to achieve something) and magicked another into a different realm with an ancient arrow. Yeah, don't do that. You don't get any pick-ups

@Jay - The Goron is NOT in Goron City. > Reveal 🔎
Sat, 13 May 2017, 06:17
If you're a fan of Otakupunk's general levels of insanity, he bought it!!

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Sat, 13 May 2017, 08:09
Do I keep hearing the WinXP startup sound every now and then?

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Sun, 14 May 2017, 15:50
Finally found that Goron "Son"
After searching every nook and cranny in Goron City, I instead backtracked through the roads and eventually found him at a second mining site, which I'd obviously missed out during my initial trek into town.
With him finally found, I headed back to the new town, where further similar hunting quests were given.

I could probably have carried on, if the battery didn't freak out on me!
I've played a lot of Zelda, tonight!!

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Mon, 15 May 2017, 02:20
I've put in over 185hours so far. I could finish the game now and go and fight Ganon... But I'm not going to! Loads more to do still.

BOTW really is the game that keeps giving and giving.

BTW Jay, I did say that the Goron "Son" wasn't in Goron City...
Mon, 15 May 2017, 04:03
You did?!? Bah, sorry, too busy playing the wonderful work of art

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Mon, 15 May 2017, 04:07
I hear ya!

Changing the subject (just for a second). Did you get Puyo Puyo Tetris in the end? I don't recall you mentioning it here.
Mon, 15 May 2017, 04:24
I did, and played it for a bit, got a few credits, unlocked a couple of Puyo-sprite themes... But it's better in Multiplayer, and Mum's been too busy out in the garden, so it's not had that much of a play!

.. And when I'm playing Switch on my own, that's Zelda-Time!!

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Mon, 15 May 2017, 04:28
And rightly so!
Mon, 15 May 2017, 11:36
Did most of the Elephant guardian, apart from the end battle.. Wasn't in the mood for a big battle, today. I'll save that for later!

At least it's stopped bloody raining!!

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Mon, 15 May 2017, 12:20
Raining; in-game or in real-life?

In-game, always find that it starts raining just as I'm about to start climbing or exactly when I'm halfway up a mountain. With no stamina potions. FFS.

The rain is bloody annoying when needing to use bomb-arrows too - it puts them out. Grrrrrrr!!! It does sometimes work in your favour though when enemies shoot them at you. You can just pick them up off the ground (or off your shield) and use them later.
Mon, 15 May 2017, 13:07
Done the elephant and the bird. Still can't find some of the towers so my map is still quite dark.

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Mon, 15 May 2017, 13:36
Blinkin' 'eck!!!
Mon, 15 May 2017, 14:05
How can you not find the towers? They're pretty much all visible from anywhere. Use the binoculars/zoom and then create a beacon on any dark tower you can see - this will be imprinted on your map and you can then use that to navigate when you cant see a tower directly.

I always found that I could see a tower, but getting to it/them was tricky.

TBH having Ravali's Gale (jump boost) will REALLY help with a couple of towers...

Anyway, I really miss still having towers and shrines to find

|edit| Jay: you've not fixed/borked the cry emoticon...
Mon, 15 May 2017, 17:58
Thanks for the tip. Added to the list!

Yeah, I'm kinda cheesed off that I only found out about Ravali's Gale AFTER having made my way up the many treacherous towers..

Those bloomin' hoppy jumpy shooty fairy bastards!! GRRRR!!

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Tue, 16 May 2017, 06:54
I'm going to try to avoid playing too much Zelda, today..

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Tue, 16 May 2017, 10:16

.. still, at least I managed to beat the Elephant Ganon dude!

Fact : Bomb arrows are awesome!

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Tue, 16 May 2017, 16:34

Bomb arrows are indeed just a little bit good. OK, I lied. They are ace!
Wed, 24 May 2017, 09:30
Another couple of hours, (Total : over 145 hours!!!) spent wandering around the Lurelin Village beach area. Such a huge beach. Lovely to walk around, and great for getting Bananas!

Quick Recipe - Banana Milkshake! Four bananas and some milk. Job done!

Considering he's carrying hundreds of ingredients, several changes of clothes including various sets of armor, as well as a giant paraglider and all his weapons, shields, bows and arrows.. .. I often wonder quite where he manages to find all the crockery when cooking.

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Wed, 24 May 2017, 10:02
He's got a TARDIS in his pocket.
Wed, 24 May 2017, 11:31
Currently doing the lizard thing... let's see what usefulness this gets me 🤔

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