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Campfire Logo

19th May 2007

me likey, now we just need to find out how to use it! :D


Campfire Logo

19th May 2007

I like, but if you scaled it so it's a little shorter I think it'd look a little cooler.
where would we use the logo, though?


Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

oh, oh, ok.
I'll probably see if I can download tonight.


Fleet! .. Now with LUA!

18th May 2007

I might help, and I'll search like heck for bugs :)
unfortunately if my mum lets me download it I won't be able to do the online session sunday cause I'll probably be in church.
[edit]WHOA HUGE filesize, could you, like, make a second download without th*snip*


Yellow Smilies

16th May 2007

(hides in corner)


#100 - The 100 Challenge

16th May 2007

Yep, that's what I've been doing.


#100 - The 100 Challenge

15th May 2007

this will be interesting...


#099 - The Balloon Challenge

15th May 2007

[code]Graphics 640,480,0,2
Print "Tap space to pop the balloon!"
Print "(or something stupid like that.)"
Print "Press space to start. You will have "+ms+" milliseconds to pop it."
Until KeyHit(5*snip*


Computer Pains

15th May 2007

mm... remeber, Nate like this:
[code] (paste your code here) [/code]
and don't ask me why it didn't do it. not for you to know. :lol: and that'd look like this
[code] (paste your code here) [/code]


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

14th May 2007

@ flying cucco
[quote]PS Attention people on th .co.uk! Join me in [~CON2~] - I'll give you a free catapult, 100 stonethrowers and as much stone as you can eat![/quote]
I'm joining hand it over
[edit]why do I need a password...?[/edit]


Natedogg / More PM Bugs

14th May 2007

Whoa! pressing alt-3 does some funky things to the MUD chat.


Natedogg / More PM Bugs

14th May 2007

And Jay, did you recieve my PM I sent you the other day?


Natedogg / More PM Bugs

14th May 2007

He said he'd PM me and it's been several minutes and he noted that'd be a short one so I'm hoping that if it doesn't work for some reason he'll come here.


Natedogg / More PM Bugs

14th May 2007

The PMs are not working the greatest if we can't communicate that way please see this topic and come here.


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

14th May 2007

Yep, if that were life I would grow mighty impatient mighty fast too
And how do I get more islands?


colour fading?

14th May 2007

You'd have to go through the pallet and find the lowest value and use it probably
I found that you need to have instead of For s=1 to num_fade_frames you need to plop a -1 right at the end.


colour fading?

14th May 2007

[code]Graphics 504,84,16,2
;SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Dim r(255),g(255),b(255) ; palette
Dim r1(255),g1(255),b1(255) ; compy of palette for fade in later
Dim stepr(255),stepg(255),stepb(255) ; color step
Global num_fade_frames ; how many frames will be f*snip*


colour fading?

14th May 2007

I'm looking at the code now and noticed you spelled close wrong in a comment for a delay command ;)


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

Actually, my plan is this:
Build up my rescources and defences to extreme heights
Stay out of wars unless they involve another alliance warring mine
If someone dares to attack me I find every one of their islands and wipe them out and if an alliance att*snip*


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

Gah, you know what? westdoor is an admin and the other guy is a diplomat XD I'm doomed


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

Hmm, suspiciously, both of my attackers are in the [HKxp] alliance and are the only ones in the area. I wonder if we should declare war with them? (once I upgrade my house so I can build ships and all)


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

westdoor and expatbjl have both attacked me twice in the last 4 days. and yea, I'm B3Dman and a member of the [SHROOM] alliance.


Inselkampf : Browser-Based MMORPG

13th May 2007

Hmm... I keep getting attacked by people but I can't figure out how I build my own fleet.


I... hate... this....

13th May 2007

perfectly. thanks.


I... hate... this....

13th May 2007

Oops, never suspected it might be your functions! Thanks for the fix. I don't expect it to be forum postable because it's for the actual game world.
Just out of curiosity, what was the bug?
Anyway, WOOHOO now I can get on to coding the game!
All I have *snip*

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