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New Doctor's Outfit - 2017/18

9th November 2017

It's all a bit Mork and Mindy...


Give Me Fever

9th November 2017

Two horses in a field; one says to the other ''what's that you're eating?''
HAY JOKES!!! \\o/


Infinity not infinity

9th November 2017

FTTC. And the cabinet is 2km away so lucky to get 17mb really.


Infinity not infinity

8th November 2017

Ethernet is all well and good if you don't mind wires trailing all over the place, or can be arsed to install network sockets in whatever rooms you need them in.
In our house, the phone socket is in the kitchen window - the only room where, if it were*snip*


Best words

8th November 2017

My favourite word lately; ’’gonk’’!


You've Been Bricked

8th November 2017

At least they're honest about it, rather than the sly covert-crippleware methods used by Samsung, Apple and others to achieve the same.


Infinity not infinity

8th November 2017

Yeah all the prices are going up in January. All this ''free upgrade'' stuff is just to shut everyone up.


Infinity not infinity

8th November 2017

if the very name wasn't taking the piss enough already, I already get basic fibre broadband up to 17mb. So they want MORE fecking money for giving me the same bastard thing!!
Oh, and *!APOUND!*60 ''setup fee'', while I'm about it!


Infinity not infinity

8th November 2017

e-mail from BT - I can now get BT **INFINITY** broadband, and my estimated speed is ’’up to 20Mbps’’. **looks up the definition of ’’infinity’’**....


Seen the light

7th November 2017

As bulbs go, it's a bit pricey. As LED bulbs go... I dunno? I've seen ones cheaper, and a lot more expensive.
This one surprised me with how heavy it is, compared to a regular energy-saving bulb. Plus the lightey-up bit is quite big, about the *snip*


Seen the light

7th November 2017

Finally bought a new bulb today! Plumped for an LED one.... 1500 lumens or so, cost me *!APOUND!*8. o_O
But at last I CAN SEE AGAIN! It better not pop after 6 months at that ruddy price.


Seen the light

7th November 2017

20W energy-saving light bulb just went BANG! Never had that happen before. Only got 8W ones left now it's like sitting in a fecking cave :/


Shoe Lights

7th November 2017

Oh those are.... hideous!!


Play At Your Risk

6th November 2017

It boggles the mind that apps can get on there apparently with no human checking whatsoever.


Play At Your Risk

6th November 2017

Google Play Store Fail Linkage


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

6th November 2017

He's pining for the fjords.



6th November 2017

Good old Apple! Can't even type the name of their new phone, on their new phone. :D


NOT Inferno (WIP title)

6th November 2017

Player dies now. Any held weapons up in the air and RAGGYDOLL FIZZICKS!! \\o/


A Boomin' Good Time

6th November 2017

Aye it's the way it explodes and the smoke instantly disappears. A bang like that would fill the room with smoke. And probably take his face off as well.


A Boomin' Good Time

6th November 2017

Yep... he's perfected that! Glad he turned the lights down else I wouldn't have been able to see it. :D
(I do suspect it's fake, though)!


A Boomin' Good Time

6th November 2017

Well that turned out rather well. First firework out the box said ''light fuse at arm's length and retire immediately''. I'm only 43 but EASY STREET HERE I COME!! \\o/
[edit] Apparently I'm still 42.


A Boomin' Good Time

6th November 2017

Nearly dark - almost time to blow some shit up. Fireworks!! \\o/


Unity Engaged

6th November 2017

I've pledged allegiance to the flag.


Texas Shooting

5th November 2017

Without religion or politics, this shit wouldn't keep happening.
[edit] Actually, yes it would. Those are just excuses.


Unity Engaged

5th November 2017

I felt like I got a lot out of following some of the live training sessions (not DOING them live - just watching them back later) as you have somebody talking you through what's going on. The only thing is a lot of them are for older versions of Unity*snip*

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