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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Pool on Switch

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Fri, 23 Aug 2019, 11:03
It's pretty inexcusable nowadays not to have women in games like this. They could have just had a generic androgenous character to represent player/opponent. Or integrate a character creator that creates random chars - of all skin colours and both sexes.
Fri, 23 Aug 2019, 11:27
I get the feeling that pretty much all of my complaints are down to the "we paid for a license" thing..
The stupid annoying swooshy thing is (iirc) part of BBCs presentation, so I guess that's ok to an extent, but not THAT often!
The lack of Pool is also likely down to the Snooker license, and would probably require all manner of bollocks to have licensed Snooker players seen playing pool.
And the limit to "professional players, or fuck off" is.. again, that license..

It's great that it's done so well, but a shame that it breaks the freedom of the developers.

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