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Facebook's AudioCraft

14th June 2023

Facebook presents a new music ai tech. MusicGen - free for non commercial use(github) -> sample page : Linkage


Twitter/Mastodon Thread

13th June 2023

No more DM for users that have the free account. That kind of makes twitter a lot less useful. I have had so many DM with companies. Getting customer service is no longer possible.


Late Night Coding

11th June 2023

I kind of stepped away from lucid dreaming. I tried when I was young. Dreaming music and flying and such.
When I was like 17 I returned from the big city after a night of partying and noticed I was hearing (dream)music while awake. I was close to sleep th*snip*


Late Night Coding

10th June 2023

Does anyone here sometimes skip a nights sleep to spend this coding or maybe for a game? I seem to have aged out of that.


QOTD - June 2023

10th June 2023

There was this weird instrument from the 70s or so. It made a kind of analogue sound and was controlled with holding the hand further or closer away from it.
I think maybe there was a Beach Boys song with that?


New (for me) OS feature...

8th June 2023

There are several settings for energy modes in the Windows config menu.
On my laptops there are keyboard shortcuts for the different modes. I would think the most energy efficient setting would enable every energy saving technique on the device?


Assembly failure.

6th June 2023

I had ordered a cheapish new Crosstrainer. It arrived yesterday. I started assembling it. The reviews mentioned it was doable.
My IT centric life was no good for knowing tools and parts. I put the wrong side of a part into a screw head. I think that they*snip*


No Man's Sky

1st June 2023

The video I found mentioned his Mac got really hot. The settings he tried was causing bad framerate and hickups.


No Man's Sky

1st June 2023

How about a bit of gameplay footage if possible? I can find nothing out there yet.
edit: found one.


Pelgine - AI Sprites

30th May 2023

The site must be down. They are active on their discord right now for beta signups.


Pelgine - AI Sprites

30th May 2023

New ai tool for game assets(pixel art gfx) Gimp and aseprite : Linkage


May Be Arty

27th May 2023

A current work in progress of the upper world of my platformer. Looking at Soccer Kid and Gods for inspiration and reference. This screenshot has a couple of hours of work into it. Drawing can take a long time!
I am using my Touchscreen lap*snip*


Drag Your GAN

27th May 2023

Site is unavailable. Region lock or taken offline? Wat was it?


Mine, Slime and Monsters - May 2023

26th May 2023

I am using multiple points here that the particles use for gravity.
this was the monkeyX version :
Import mojo
Class gravitypoint
Field x:Int,y:Int
Method New(x:Int,y:Int)
Self.x = x
Self.y = y
End Method
Method draw()


Mine, Slime and Monsters - May 2023

26th May 2023

It is a pretty simple to make effect. I learned it from the coding train on youtube, It initially reminded me of some effects of the game Skyrim.
Currently trying to fix up bugs which show up in the browser when loaded from the site and not present with l*snip*


Mine, Slime and Monsters - May 2023

26th May 2023

Closing in to 8000 lines of code and almost 300 kilobytes of source code.
I added various effects this week. Flashing screen, Particle Pickup Effect, Power Lines.
Flashing screen :
The flashing screen I added after watching a docu about t*snip*


Windows Gets Rar

24th May 2023

Windows wil get native decompression for rar and 7-zip and such. No idea when. Read this on the register.


Final Cut Pro on iPad

23rd May 2023

Out now..


Hi Guys!

22nd May 2023

Welcome. I remember the Blitz Basic usernames. I never played Runescape.
Schizophrenia is a serious decease. I was diagnosed with Schizopheniform disorder many years ago. Lifestyle and medication problems caused several long and short hospitalisations. Th*snip*


AGameAWeek 2023

21st May 2023

I spent some time on my mining rpg game. I used the Bing Image creator to make some icons. Had to resize these and clean them up. This workflow seems to work for me.
I need to figure if I can use the javascript scale command to resize the t*snip*


Laser beam with sin effect

20th May 2023

Weapon effect for a platform or top down game


No News Again?

18th May 2023

Just got back at programming for a bit. ChatGPT is still a bit useless at certain prompts. Asking it to create a maze using a specific algorithm(sidewinder) will not work. I had to ask it for a recursive backtracker maze which did work.
Bing chat just tel*snip*


Google's AI Music

11th May 2023

I just listened to a 'aiva' game music attempt. (Fireflower) It sounds unstructured.
I signed up for the waiting list. And to sometimes do a 5 minute survey.



9th May 2023

I also have a curl bar and various weights and dumbbells. Some minor other exercise bits. My mum has given me most of the exercise machines what is there.
The keyboard there is the old one I got in 2001. Korg x5. I have a yamaha modx and korg kronos store*snip*



9th May 2023

Stil need to dress the walls.

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