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Firefox Plugins

14th December 2008

Firefox is really nice because it offers lots of extensions, something I haven't found an equal abundance of in other browsers. Since there are so many of them, I'm confident you don't have all the extensions you ought to. So share with the rest of us your*snip*



13th December 2008

[quote]Handy if you're the type of person who would get inexplicably harassed for having posted models for sale on a forum.. Or, you know... something less specific.
Now who would that be directed at? ;)


Challenge : Number Game

8th December 2008

Nice sound effects there ;) Checking all solutions seems to be the only way, because I've no idea how to solve this without employing our friend Brute F. Orce.
So... who's got other programming challenges?


Challenge : Number Game

7th December 2008

At first glance, I have absolutely no idea what's going on in that code there but I'm going to have a second look :)
I'll admit that I was a bit unclear. Originally I intended the implementation to allow several digits between operators, but I'm not smiti*snip*


Challenge : Number Game

7th December 2008

I could never be in that Countdown game -- it looks really hard! Never seen that show before. Don't think we've ever had it over here.
And no, the numbers shouldn't have to be in order.


Challenge : Number Game

6th December 2008

Since my last challenge wasn't very exciting (the pangram one), here's a slightly more programming related one. I found this question off another site, and I thought it would be fun to solve.
Given a certain expression, you're supposed to insert plus and *snip*



6th December 2008

Nope. This isn't #1337.
Second topic.
Third topic.
[edit]Talk about this being the most pointless argument ever...[/edit]



6th December 2008

Don't know if it's really the 1337th topic on SoCoder, since you can never really trust those ID numbers. But I've got to admit that it's really the most pointless topic this year ;)


Community Sigs

2nd December 2008

5864 lines in one file? You should probably split it up...
And how about something like this, instead of the rather unspecific nomination button?


Community Sigs

1st December 2008

Still broken. Try adding a code box and click Preview twice.


Router test...

30th November 2008

Doesn't even run over here. Are you using XNA?


Pangram game

30th November 2008

I actually have 33 but it's a rather obscene sentence :P
[edit]Wait a minute -- that's a Russian word! You're supposed to write in English.[/edit]


Pangram game

30th November 2008

It's hard, but possible. 45 gives you a second place, though ;)


Pangram game

30th November 2008

Squeezed another letter, down to 36:
"Queue civil, lazy kegs. Banjax with mad proof."


Community Sigs

30th November 2008

I'd nominate "At my keyboard!! HAHAAHAHA!!" :P
I like it. That list won't be very fun to browse when there's lots of nominations though. Let's just hope that we all make really dull posts so that there's less browsing to do ;)


Pangram game

29th November 2008

Alright, I'll allow that phrase to use names ;) Just because you didn't know at the time.
39 characters: "Such a glad, opaque, mixed ritz a fake wyvern jabs."
[edit]Okay, so that sentence might be a bit dodgy as well...[/edit]
[edit]Another non-sensical*snip*


Pangram game

29th November 2008

First attempt:
"A quetzal yawns back at five, jinxed, morphed dogs"
40 characters.
[edit]Nice attempt, Afr0 :P John V. Xembraq is a bit dodgy though.[/edit]
[edit]Updated rules to not allow names. [/edit]


Pangram game

29th November 2008

Being a bit bored, I browsed Wikipedia and eventually ended up on a page about pangrams. For those of you who can't be arsed to click the link, a pangram is a phrase which contains every letter of the alphabet.
Since I'm the type who likes brain exercise *snip*


Online Dictionary

24th November 2008

Wish I had the time :/


Online Dictionary

24th November 2008

It's been a while since I last used it, so this is at the top of my head. And I'll admit that "features" might have been the wrong word when I just wanted something to express my dissatisfaction.
In Enso Words, I really missed translation; something which*snip*


Online Dictionary

24th November 2008

Enso is dead. Went open-source a while ago and hasn't been touched for months. As of now, I don't think it has enough features to be install-worthy. Otherwise I wouldn't have cared about it being dead.


The Game + The Rules Of The Game

22nd November 2008

Of doing what, really? What exactly are you trying to achieve through this systematic way? Who do you expect to "pick up"? I read the first hundred pages of the book and got the gist of it. No doubt, it's an interesting read. But that doesn't make it any l*snip*


First Snow of the Year

22nd November 2008

Damn! I wanted to create this year's snow topic. Oh well, snow 'round here too. Don't have any pics though (yet).


PETA's Latest Attempt at Being Highly Inappropriate

18th November 2008

I actually never eat turkey because... well I don't know why really. It's just not tradition. I do eat lots of other stuff though, so I guess I'm a cooking mama. But this game didn't give me any form of compunction at all, it actually only made me happy.


PETA's Latest Attempt at Being Highly Inappropriate

17th November 2008

I find the alternative entertaining: tofu. Good luck converting anyone with that replacement.

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