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Zoopla Noseyness

2nd August 2024

House across the street's for sale, if anyone wants to gradually turn the street into a SoCoder hub..


Greenie's Typing Tutorium

1st August 2024

It works on my iPad… exciting stuff lol!


Greenie's Typing Tutorium

1st August 2024

About a year and half ago, Spinal mentioned wanting a Typing Tutor and I leapt at the chance.
I'll be honest, I haven't leapt very far yet.
I've got about 2% of the way through my leap.
First test. It isn't hardly anything at all, and d*snip*


QOTD - August 2024

1st August 2024

Professor Farnsworth... Good news everyone, your PC got CrowdStrike'd !


QOTD - August 2024

1st August 2024

Daffy Duck would have you trying everything to get your system working again, even if it's detrimental to the device.


QOTD - August 2024

1st August 2024

Question of the Day : August 1st Which cartoon character would make the best tech support representative?


Udio AI Music

31st July 2024

Prompt : A song about the emergence of a.i. Intelligence as it tries to boil an egg. Glich, synth, stutters, female robotic singer, airy, breakbeats
[mp3]https://SoCoder.net/uploads/1/2024/31/Emerging_Intelligence_mp3.mp3[/mp3] | Udio Link


QOTD - July 2024

31st July 2024

Time spent with others = (time spent alone, coding all day) x 6
Always make time for others.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

31st July 2024

Day Thirty One - Curve
[jse]// Curve
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/28
// GotoJSE.com/jRrJbFmf.BAS
Graphics 512,512,1
SetBuffer BG
CLS;ResetDraw;AA True
for n=0 to 1024 step 8
SetCol 96,96,96
if (n%32)==0 then SetCol 255,255,*snip*


QOTD - July 2024

31st July 2024

Question of the Day : July 31st Share a tip for balancing creative pursuits with everyday life.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

30th July 2024

Buuubles! :D


Starship Tardis?

30th July 2024

If it was a DW/ST episode I'd watch it, but I ain't playin' no game.


Starship Tardis?

30th July 2024



M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

Cool, I remember using bestbadges.co.uk many, many moons ago


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

I think I'd prefer these guy's badges, though, they seem much more customisable, and have tons of options.
Link to full selection of ''lapel pins''


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

It's got a 25-or-more minimum order, so very likely not! They do do all the pin badges and things like that, though.


D'you Like Creation - July 2024

30th July 2024

Day Thirty - Bubble
[jse]// Bubble
// by Jayenkai
// Created 2024/7/28
// GotoJSE.com/kXkT5BvD.BAS
Graphics 512,512,2
SetBuffer BG
SetEcho ''Factory''
SetControlMethod Mouse
SetGradient 200,0,0,0.7,0,120,20*snip*


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

Ha! Does that work out cheaper than M & Ms? :D


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

Sure. Click here to get your own design printed on some Skittles


M&Ms - Merchandising

30th July 2024

Do skittles offer it also?


QOTD - July 2024

30th July 2024

The Fast and the Frogger (Alt Title : The Frog and the Furious)
The treacherous tale of a frog trying to cross a road to get to his family on the other side, whilst a group of city racers blast past at full speed.


QOTD - July 2024

30th July 2024

Question of the Day : July 30th What would a crossover between your favorite retro video game and a modern movie look like?


Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

29th July 2024



Flap Happy and Fancy Free!

29th July 2024

Final Candidate build submitted!


Udio AI Music

29th July 2024

After a little tweaking I found that if you upload songs with lyrics, it does a much better job of adding lyrics back in, even when it's 100% reconstructing the song.
Here's a 100% reconstructed version of the above, but this time I'd uploaded*snip*

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