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power mousey

OMFG !. This is really extracting the urine.

27th November 2007

this Islam and Muslim extremism will be one of those things for people clamoring, calling for peace and safety at any means for a One World government.
As Long as You Follow.... :(
anyway, I hope she comes back safely.

power mousey

another cobra???

26th November 2007

well, Steve
time to get on the ball! :)
learn and code in the language and
develop these game libs,tools,engines
for your games and multimedia products.
yet, with all these langauges and libs, engines,
tools, scripting languages....take*snip*

power mousey

another cobra???

26th November 2007

um...could be. ;)
thousands of people and teams/companies that are developers with hundreds of languages,tools,engines, editors, game creation systems...but so little time
on this earth.
I'll stick with Cobra 3d, Blitz 3d, and also going back to C*snip*

power mousey

This is quite interesting.

21st November 2007

um if anybody is curious or even interested....
under zero page data,
the memory addresses of 0 to 255
are allocated and used for the
keyboard scan codes.
now and under this section of code:
; **** Grab the keyboard s*snip*

power mousey

This is quite interesting.

20th November 2007

well hey dna :)
you aint seen nothing yet! ;)
especially with the up n coming XGS 6502.
unlike the original XGS and even the Hydra...
this XGS 6502 will be some hardware oriented.
but more towards software and game programming
with 6502 assembl*snip*

power mousey

This is quite interesting.

20th November 2007

here are some screenshots
of the Mach64 programmable logic kit
also the book is included too.

a hardware project with it

power mousey

Need help with a C# data collection issue

19th November 2007

spice or spicy? :)
But Yes, C++ has its own problems.

power mousey

Need help with a C# data collection issue

19th November 2007

I'm sorry I can't help.
Perhaps you should follow the advice
from Nolan.
Anyway, it was a good and informative read.
Thank you and cheers. :)

power mousey

Sun with a Quad?

19th November 2007

well....I don't know.
But a few glimpses thru the code:
where is your Backbuffer and light?
your camera or Camera should be consistent of
just one...Camera or camera. First letter... ;)

[edit]another thing I noticed while taking
a more thorough*snip*

power mousey

This is quite interesting.

18th November 2007

hehe :)
in all probablity....a hobbyist kit from Andre Lamothe
for learning and experimenting with Field Gate Arrays and thousands and tens of thousands of logic gates for both hardware hacking and software programming.
if anyone is in*snip*

power mousey

This is quite interesting.

18th November 2007

The Mach64 Programmable Logic Kit
I also found out about CPLD.
[edit]I would probably get this but my hardware heart
and my wallet is saved up towards the XGS 6502. [/edit]

power mousey

Stuck in a loop (aka yet another stupid question from spinal)

18th November 2007

duh! :)
duh!! on me.
thanks Jay, haven't coded in C/C++
for such a long time. I um forgot.
I thought it meant Or.

power mousey

Stuck in a loop (aka yet another stupid question from spinal)

18th November 2007

okay, I'm beggining to see a little
of whats going on.
But doesn't && mean and.
And if it does, then lets say you initiate
that Pad.Held.B for exit...and exxit=1
then in those while loops...lets say
current_pos is still less than length_of_file-*snip*

power mousey

Stuck in a loop (aka yet another stupid question from spinal)

18th November 2007

have you set up debugging methods
and run step by step methods to print the values
of such variables and qualities like 'exxit'
and also 'current_pos' and 'length_of_file-1'
and perhaps other ones too??
okay, one thing I see is this:
if the Pad*snip*

power mousey

Loading a .b3d file

17th November 2007

you're welcome :)
its really no problem.
anytime...if I can help.

power mousey

Crystal Clarity of dots.

17th November 2007

Crystal Clarity of dots
The purpose of this blog is to clarify
and make known of my use of dots. I'm sure
if you have read or even skimmed some of my posts
and other blogs that I use a series of dots.

Sometimes a series of dots is use in place of*snip*

power mousey

Podcast Recommendations

16th November 2007

hmmmmmmm.....Mysterious Universe?
never heard of that.
another one that deals with the paranormal....
and especially with UFOs in particular is:
Paranormal Borderline.
Somtimes stories derived from Valle and Hynek case files
that defy natural and/*snip*

power mousey

Loading a .b3d file

14th November 2007

to be honest, I don't know.
I don't know about Maplet and the compatibility.
??? :D
I usually use 3ds and X files for models.
And for a few levels too.
I primarily use md2 for both static and animated models.
I use bsp for levels...although aga*snip*

power mousey

64 Bits

13th November 2007

dead end?
what do you mean by that, dna?
Looking forward to your explanation
and also to your talk. :)

power mousey

Types in FreeBasic

13th November 2007

what is there to explain graphically
except with the fonts of alphanumeric characters.
Letters,words and sentences my friend.
Your code up there is a good explanation.
You wrote an embedded type...type within type and in Free Basic.

power mousey

Types in FreeBasic

13th November 2007

think of it this way...
you can define arrays and use them
for a sprite. the handle/pointer to image, its x,y coordinates, animated or not, action status, health or hitpoints,name, level of experience etc.
it would be long,complex and messy using in*snip*

power mousey

Types in FreeBasic

13th November 2007

I have a few books and in C/C++
that go over structures(a sorta structured type. :P)
One really good author is Perry.
Greg Perry.
mouseys' short and concise definition:
a type is a data structure where you can
place variables and even arrays*snip*

power mousey

WM003 - Christmas (Already!)

13th November 2007

how about a Christmas demo?
I did one at Blitzcoder a long time ago and with elves
doing backflips. :) Rather than Bowling with Elves. :D
That was a few years ago.

power mousey

Types in FreeBasic

13th November 2007

Jay did his job.
And did done his duty. :)
I was going to help.
But I'll say this and be short and concise for a change. ;)
I like structures in C.
And I like types...the variables within the type with a '.'
rather than with a '\\'. Syntax to me*snip*

power mousey

Loading a .b3d file

13th November 2007

just look in the docs...the documentation.
goto command reference, click 3d category, click on mesh and look into loadmesh or loadanimmesh as well.
But here is an example from the docs.
; LoadMesh Example
; ----------------
Graphics3D 640*snip*

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