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Nintendo Labo

17th January 2018

Why would you..... I don't even.....


Time to Move?

17th January 2018

Yeah pages are loading much faster today, almost instant. Never really sure when it's my internet acting the bastard though...


Ads vs Shows

16th January 2018

BBC2 are buggers for carping on about the war, especially at Christmas. Might be a pain that every channel is showing stuff you've seen 20 times before but it still trumps BBC2 rubbish like ''Tales from the Trenches'' or ''My Life in the S*snip*


Time to Move?

15th January 2018

I didn't mind Voyager.
DS9 was horseshit. Never really watched Enterprise - the titles were crap and Scott Bakula is a ponce - wouldn't have him captaining a netball team let alone the Enterprise.


RIP Dolores O'Riordan

15th January 2018

Medical reasons associated with a back problem suggest painkiller overdose.
The press should either give the cause, or if they don't know then just STFU to avoid idiots like me speculating based on crumbs of information.


Ads vs Shows

15th January 2018

Sky News pisses me off. If it isn't that smarmy fucker on the Gladstone Brooks PPI ad it's.... ''Umjaliwar is only 3 months old and has to walk 5 miles a day for water with turds floating in it. Please give *!APOUND!*3 a month so she can have*snip*


RIP Dolores O'Riordan

15th January 2018

Fucks sake..... 46. :(


Time to Move?

15th January 2018

There's honestly nothing wrong with shared hosting... as long as you're with the right company. Which it looks like Zen aren't.


Ads vs Shows

15th January 2018

Cream egg ads annoy me. They make no sense at all. And not just because its still January.


Cheaters Never Win

14th January 2018

Just found out my ex (who cheated) has split up with husband, cos he cheated. Had to smile.


Good way to handle sprites?

14th January 2018

I used Texture Packer Pro. Not free, but well worth it.
Then just a case of writing a loader/parser for whatever version of Blitz you're using. I used Blitzmax which there was already and XML module for which took 90% of the pain out of it.


Good way to handle sprites?

14th January 2018

I'd go with the sprite atlas option as well.


Goto Poundland

13th January 2018

He's off to a secret meeting at the Ministry of Silly Walks. :D


RIP Bella Emberg

12th January 2018

The Russ Abbot Show was legendary.


RIP Bella Emberg

12th January 2018

RIP Bella Emberg :( Linkage


Blokes Full of Flu

12th January 2018

I had the actual flu around 2007. Fucker knocked me sideways.
Attempted to go to the bathroom. Felt really weird and didn't know which way was up. Woke up some minutes later on the floor, then barfed everywhere. Definitely not fun. Don't want i*snip*


Blokes Full of Flu

12th January 2018

Yeah I've had it as well - the one where loads of water comes out of your nose and eyes. Evian Flu.


Goodbye Immanitas!

12th January 2018

Got stung by my first ever publisher back in the early 1990s and that dragged on for years, so it's amazing that I'm still bothering. But yeah they aren't all like that.
I think it's much more likely to happen when we're dealing with *snip*


Goodbye Immanitas!

12th January 2018

As you know I've had nothing but trouble with Immanitas Entertainment. Every single quarter I have to:
1. Ask them to send me the quarterly report (they should do this automatically but they never, ever have. Not once).
2. Invoice them for the amou*snip*


Who Scarf

11th January 2018

Just over 6ft now.


Android Update

11th January 2018

It just did it automatically.


Goto Poundland

11th January 2018

A wireless charging mouse mat... that has a wire on it?


Android Update

10th January 2018

I wasn't expecting an upgrade to Android 7, ever. It isn't the most hi-spec phone anyway (I'm done with that shit!).
There's been a few Android 6 patches over the last year or so, but nothing major. Hadn't even considered the Spectre*snip*


Android Update

10th January 2018

J5 2016 just updated to Android 7. Bit unexpected but it runs faster than Android 6!


Treasure trove of Retro Gamer mags.

9th January 2018

Local newsagent... I don't even know where that is. Certainly not within five or six miles. The nearest ''convenience store'' is the thick end of two miles and they don't sell magazines or newspapers or anything.
May have a look at the o*snip*

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