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12th July 2008

mike_g: if it hits the ground or ceiling it should be vy=-vy and for walls vx=-vx; otherwise it would try going through the wall but move towards it differently.



11th July 2008

yeah, you're going about it a bit off. Reflection is based on a simple principal: the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. So, as you can see the angle that it hits the surface is the same as the one that it reflects at. if you*snip*



11th July 2008

i can't think of any geometric postulate to help you here... are there any other known angles? I don't know what you're doing, but it would appear that you're going about it in the wrong way... what are you trying to accomplish?


Blitz types....

11th July 2008

In the past, I've used it to reference one type from within another. Think of like, pikman for example: you've got one guy with a bunch of little pikman following him around; so you'd reference all the pikman as handles from the space man's type as a field*snip*


How do i change my email address in my profile?

11th July 2008

I was going to say "just click on your profile button"... but there doesn't seem to be a way to do it.... short of SQL injection...


Too my friends on socoder...

11th July 2008

I'm really sorry for your loss orion, I hope the best for you and your family. We're all here for you, and our hearts go out to you and your kin.


Blitz types....

10th July 2008

Handle and Object are the two coolest undocumented commands in the existence of the blitz language. Well, maybe that and [].


Blitz types....

10th July 2008

you shouldn't need separate type lists for all the sizes of asteroids anyway. You can just add a field like "field asteroid_Type" and then make a set of global constant variables "aT_small=0, aT_medium=1, aT_large=2..etc.." and just change its behavior bas*snip*


Best way to implement network movement system?

8th July 2008

what do you mean when you say 'reliable packets'? technically no packets over UDP are 'reliable' in terms of order, consistancy, etc. I don't see why you'd have to make them as such. I would just send it to the server and let the server do the bounds-check*snip*


Moving an entity in a wavy pattern

7th July 2008

aha! i didn't figure it out until i remembered calculus: in your scenario, you have the sine curve acting as the velocity graph, in mine its the position graph. What that means is, that your object's velocity is going from 1 to -1, whereas my position is g*snip*


Moving an entity in a wavy pattern

7th July 2008

Graphics 854, 480
Local t# = 0
While Not KeyDown(1)

t# = t# + 5
If (t# > 360) Then t# = 5

Rect GraphicsWidth()/2 + (150.0*Sin#(t#)), GraphicsHeight()/2-10, 20, 20

Delay 25
VWait : Flip False
here's a simpl*snip*


Moving an entity in a wavy pattern

7th July 2008

use a sin wave!


NOOOOO !.... That sucks !.

7th July 2008

google doesn't even seem to be in on it... they haven't recrawled the site since the change.. That stinks. I hate when things change owners, then you end up with things like BC->CW...


Diablo III

7th July 2008

me and my roommates were gonna go pick up a copy of diablo II the other day but they're sold out... everywhere! we checked like 6 stores. When they come into stock, we're gonna start playing together probably, so you guys can join in on the fun too!


Diablo III

6th July 2008

i highly doubt it. Blizzard has been expanding so rapidly that they've got a lot going on right now. Starcraft II is coming out soon, expansions to WoW, and now Diablo III. They've constantly got job opportunities listed, which means they're always hiring.*snip*


Diablo III

6th July 2008

In short, it looks amazing. I can't wait!


Updated Uploads

4th July 2008

what if there are two uploads within the same minute!?!?! :)
Looks good jay!


This sucks....

4th July 2008

[quote]Hmm. Be careful not to generalise. My sister's favourite game is Age Of Empires 2; she bought her own copy to play online. True, she's not a big FPS fan, but she did really like Portal.[/quote]
Well, technically, portal is a puzzle game (and beside*snip*


This sucks....

4th July 2008

JL put it in a nutshell. I've read a few articles about the kinds of games that females play. Whenever i think of female games, I think of bejeweled. bejeweled is the epitome of female game: Its got shiny things, bright colors, happy sound effects, and you*snip*


Something scary, if it's true.

28th June 2008

technically speaking, we had them back in WWII when we put all the japanese into camps because we got so afraid of them; although its important to note that these did not equate to the nazi death camps, yes we concentrated them into one living area where t*snip*


Bill Gates Stepped Down Today

28th June 2008

balmer is a complete joke. I was reading some stuff that all that's left in the top levels of microsoft is PR guys and stuff, no more actual developers... that's the real sad part about all this. Tech companies shouldn't be run by the guys that just want t*snip*


Smash Bros At Last!!

27th June 2008

I hope you didn't use that cheap lighting strike that would come down from the sky! i hated that move. haha
I usually used kirby, but i really like playing solid snake and meta knight in the new one.


Smash Bros At Last!!

27th June 2008

woah! you guys just got it? I feel sorry for y'all. Have fun playing, its an amazing game!


ImagesCollide vs. RectsOverlap

22nd June 2008

Only if the image's size was constant -- it would make no difference using ImagesOverlap or RectsOverlap if you had to look up the height & width of it, but if you knew that it was always 32 pixels wide & high, then RectsOverlap would be faster.



21st June 2008


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