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Socoder -> Question of the Day -> QOTD - July 2023

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Sat, 01 Jul 2023, 02:04

Question of the Day : July 1st

Meatloaf says he'd do anything for love, but he won't do 'that.' What is 'that'?
Sat, 01 Jul 2023, 02:05
Solicitor's forms.
Sat, 01 Jul 2023, 05:25
QOTD is slipping, as the song tells you repeatedly, what "that" is, which changes with each verse.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 00:27

Question of the Day : July 2nd

Do you actively post on social media?
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 00:52
I used to, but lately not so much, mostly because Twitter's broken like shit.
My Mastodon posts are typically my daily platdude picture, weekly ALChoons and agameaweek's. I don't really interact as much as I oughta.
Over on Facebook, posts have slowed to a crawl, and then on Instagram, the flood of Daily Photo Challenge happened and was followed by zilch.

I really should get my arse into gear.

.. maybe once I'm settled in the new place. I bet there'll be tons of things to take pictures of, there!

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Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:06
Forums are social media, so that would be a yes.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:08
You're suggesting that SoCoder is equal to Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Discord?

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Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:09
More anti-social media, TBH, but we do socialize, in our own way. *big grin*
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:12
Out of those you named, Facebook has pretty much died off and is just grandmothers sharing cat memes. Twitter is jumping in the shitter. Reddit recently shot itself in the head, with some moves like Twitter. Have never used Discord, but hopefully they will learn from the other three. Meanwhile, Socoder has outlasted many Social Media sites, like Myspace, etc.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:32
Facebook's "for grandma", and my mother, and in fact a LOT of my family, is the main issue I have with it.
It's a hellish landscape, for sure. People posting nothing but horrific news and political opinions, hundreds of uncredited reposted memes, people who don't punctuate anything ever and waffle on in long winded paragraphs with multiple sentences that should definitely be punctuated but never are...

God it's awful over there.
But, there are SO many people on there.
Mum's regained contact with practically her entire list of school friends, and is in touch with so many more people since she joined Facebook.
THAT is Facebook's power.
I'm not sure what'll happen if that ever crashes and burns like Twitter has.
Mum certainly wouldn't be happy about that.

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Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:42
Mum will join Socoder.

Facebook turned me off with the limit on the number of followers and the cost of it. For businesses it costs to have your posts visible to others, IIRC, I had a Facebook account for like a week.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:42
My mum has stopped using Facebook a couple of years ago. The algorithm was ruining the experience. Dozens of friend requests a day from strangers.

It seems to increase that what you have spend time on. But not noticing or giving the option to end that silliness if the novelty wears off.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:45
Speaking of Facebook crashing and burning. Lots of FB users rely on Gfycat for their GIF hosting and it is shutting down September 1st and all GIF will be taken down.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:48
I was confused a while ago when my gif would not play on there. I had to do a short video.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:50
Who would have thought GIFs would have made the comeback they did? Now if we can get ANSI graphics from the BBS days to come back.
Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 01:59

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Sun, 02 Jul 2023, 07:57
Until mid may this year, since then I've been off it.

Web / Game Dev, occasionally finishes off coding games also!
Mon, 03 Jul 2023, 01:32

Question of the Day : July 3rd

If you were a bird, what kind would you be?
Mon, 03 Jul 2023, 01:46
I asked ChatGPT: If I were a bird, I would like to be an owl. Owls are known for their wisdom and their ability to see in the dark. They are fascinating creatures with unique adaptations that allow them to hunt effectively and survive in various habitats. Additionally, being an owl would give me the opportunity to fly silently, which would be quite remarkable.
Mon, 03 Jul 2023, 01:58

View on YouTube
Mon, 03 Jul 2023, 02:03
I'd probably be a chicken, so I could invade tennis courts and get in the way of the game, then get my chicken-face plastered all over social media.
(Last night's dream was pretty weird!!)

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Mon, 03 Jul 2023, 07:15
I would be a cardinal.
Tue, 04 Jul 2023, 02:24

Question of the Day : July 4th

What's your favorite day of the week?
Tue, 04 Jul 2023, 02:29
Tue, 04 Jul 2023, 02:32

Wednesday is for Workshops. For coding up a game.
We try to make a fun event for all to play again.
Hammer out the pixels and smash the keys up right,
Then click upon the rocket so that folk can play tonight.

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Wed, 05 Jul 2023, 01:46

Question of the Day : July 5th

Can you share any tips for composing music for games?
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