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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Florida Bridge Collapse

Thu, 15 Mar 2018, 14:56
Bridge Collapse Linkage

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Thu, 15 Mar 2018, 14:56
Wow... Just WOW!!! The big worry I see there is “first of its kind”... Mmmmmm mmmmmm would love to see data on the testing on this system, because usually, Americans are really good at this, and their Health & Safety compliance’s! It’ll be interesting to see how it failed, because more then likely, it’ll be that obvious and simple, it was overlooked

Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Thu, 15 Mar 2018, 15:21
Trouble with building stuff these days - too much focus on pushing the boundaries or technology and making things look all space-agey.

You don't need to design and build fancy schmancy shit - just build stuff that's rock solid and does the job. Christopher Wren never used to fuck things up like this.
Fri, 16 Mar 2018, 02:11

And mostly, the bean counters that buy the materials... Its an on-going battle with bean counters... Right down to just little things...

When I was plastering/boarding, you could buy 2/3 real good quality bits for your screws for £2.50 or something, they would last ages before they started to slip, but the firm would buy a pack of 10 bits for roughly the same price, and you'd go through them in a crack, as the quality just wasnt there, but they think they are saving money, but in reality, you'd plough through 3 or 4 boxes of bits before you would use one high quality one... And you tell them this, and they take no notice.

Likewise, maybe here, there might of been a specified bolt type for the steel structure, and it costs because obviously it has a job to do, the contractors buyer has looked and went "Its a bolt, I can get 10 of them for the price of one of them", and orders the lesser quality one... Everything gets installed, a lone cheap bolt gives, setting off another one, then another and voila, the thing is on the deck with people under it.

Something has went drastically wrong obviously, and again, for me, the simple and obvious like, the usage of none specified parts because they are cheaper... That gets most companies, bean counters are dangerous in the construction industry because a) They think its their money they are spending most of the time and b) Ones that do give a shit are probably under pressure to drive costs down

Theres no excuse, if your going to build something thats state of the art, then for fucks sake, build the thing within its design spec or dont build it at all.

Little fact I heard as I was on a course at the start of the week... Grenfell, the panels they put on the building were wrong, we all know that... But do you know how much extra per panel they would've had to pay that would've stopped that, like, how much extra a proper fire-proof panel (Which was in the original design spec BTW) would've cost... Its amazing... ONE POUND... One fucking pound extra per panel would've saved all them peoples lives.

Its fucking annoying that people are out there put peoples lives at risk for the sake of a bastard quid, and mostly, its not even their fucking quid!!!


Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Fri, 16 Mar 2018, 02:26
Same with importing Chinese steel instead of British because it's cheaper. It's cheaper for a reason! It just isn't manufactured to the same spec and is prone to fracture... which is why we keep seeing massive structure collapses in the far east. Buy cheap, buy twice.
Fri, 16 Mar 2018, 02:44
Its mad... But the worst part is, EVERYONE knows the quality is shit, dangerously so in some cases, yet, nothing gets done, we still close our steel mills and just import more of their shite... The EU is next on the dumping grounds list, Merkel wants to close the mills in Europe and import more chinese steel, I'm not sure if she has signed the trade deal with China yet, but, its on the cards!



Intel Core i5 6400 2.7GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 (8GB), 8Gig DDR4 RAM, 256GB SSD, 1TB HDD, Windows 10 64bit
Sat, 17 Mar 2018, 03:23
Looks like cracks were seen in the bridge a couple of days before www.cnn.com/2018/03/16/us/bridge-collapse-florida/index.html