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SoCoder -> Newsletter Home -> Newsletter

Created : 11 June 2020

#471 - Buskin News

Weekly Newsletter

; Buskin News

#471 - Thursday 11th June, 2020

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Every Thursday, Giving Up


; Hello World

After a day of having a sore wrist, then another day of having a really sore wrist, followed by yet another day of an insanely sore wrist, I finally decided to give in with that one thing that was bringing me joy every day.

It was almost working well, too. It's a shame I've had to give it up, as I was kinda enjoying it.
I did it in bed. Did it on the living room couch. I was doing it everywhere.
But the toll it took on my aging wrist was all too much to take.

Time to give up on such crazy ideals.


.. Or at least, for now.
I might return to it, later, if only in short bursts.
My body can't take it for much longer than that.


; Flappyness

Rychan manages to get extra music and a great looking level select into his Flap Happy NES game.

; Blockman

AndyH shows us the latest addition to his "Blockman Gets" remake for the Vic20.
With no need to stick in the 20th century, Andy's made a Level Editor that runs on one of those fancy new "PC" things.


; Heaths

This week's Word of the Week is Heaths.
Sounds like the sort of word that would lend itself best to imagery.
Why not be artistic. Draw a giant sprawling scene full of heather, or maybe get out with a camera and see if you can find a perfect shot.


; Further Crapness of the Covid Variety

Last week, Schools were reopening.
This week, no they're not, because people realised that was an utterly moronic decision, to get everyone together like that.

So, instead they're going to open up all the Zoos.
Sure.. Yeah.. OK..

What they SHOULD do, is pretend to open the Zoos, let a bunch of people in, then lock all the exits and allow the animals to enjoy the caged Human exibitions for a while.
Much better!


; Face The Music

The trailer for Bill and Ted's third movie outing is out.
And apparently the release day will be 21/08/2020


; Design FALE

Jay attempts to redesign his AGameAWeek site, but it's not going well.
Suggestions are chipped in, and Rychan offers a lovely image showing a possible layout that might fit.
.. Jay runs with it!

; Redo From Start

Spinal reinstalls Windows.
A thread of tips of what kinds of things to install, and best practices when restarting.
What do you tend to install on a fresh reinstallation?


; Three Letters

A lovely song with tiny words.

View on YouTube

; Labyrinth

What would Labyrinth have been like with Freddie Mercury instead of Bowie..?

; Clever Bird


; Musical Interlude


; Fresh Milk



; Don't Do What I Do!

View on YouTube


; Microscope Light

Adam's not done rebuilding his workshop, yet!

View on YouTube

; Table Read

Corner Gas Animated still isn't out over here.. ffs..

Part two

; MathBusting

Matt joins Adam for a One Day Build

YeOlde Cover Corner

View on YouTube



TVCover Corner

View on YouTube



VGRemix Corner

View on YouTube

Lockdown Live

; Madness

View on YouTube

; Pet Shop Boys


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