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Socoder -> Off Topic -> Too Hot

Wed, 07 Nov 2012, 02:01
@Steve... it was 36C the other day here... bloody too hot!
Wed, 07 Nov 2012, 02:01
I guess that means you are in Africa then?. I would visit there if I had the guts to get on a plane.
Wed, 07 Nov 2012, 03:29
it was 36C the other day here...

You're just bragging now!
Fri, 09 Nov 2012, 21:35
I'm in South Australia, came over from Sheffield (UK) about 8 years ago now
Fri, 09 Nov 2012, 21:46
Evil Roy Ferguso
You talkin' CPU temperatures there?

(7C here...)
Sat, 10 Nov 2012, 03:11
I was once told that in Australia you have to bang out your shoes in the morning coz of poisonous spiders and stuff, the person that told me moved to the UK during the 1980s and ended up going to the same school as me. I'm not sure if he was telling me the truth or winding me up.
Sat, 10 Nov 2012, 06:01
I was once told that in Australia you have to bang out your shoes in the morning coz of poisonous spiders and stuff, the person that told me moved to the UK during the 1980s and ended up going to the same school as me. I'm not sure if he was telling me the truth or winding me up.

Actually, that was mentioned in a David Attenborough type programme on tv many, many years ago and shown that creepy crawlies do sometimes end up in shoes. But then that happens in the UK too - when I was a nipper I found an earwig in my shoe.
Sat, 10 Nov 2012, 07:17
I never knew about the David Attenborough thing, I was told by a 12 year old Australian kid named Chris Windsor but if David Attenborough mentioned it in his program then at least I know now that Aussie kid wasn't winding me up.